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# 2074, книга: Заговор 'Пуритания'
автор: Стивен Голдин

"Заговор 'Пуритания'" Стивена Голдина - захватывающий роман в жанре научной фантастики, который пленит читателей своим тщательно проработанным миром и увлекательным сюжетом. Действие книги происходит в антиутопическом будущем, где религиозное правительство "Пуритания" контролирует каждый аспект жизни граждан. Малейшее проявление инакомыслия жестоко подавляется, а научный прогресс заторможен. Главным героем является Эстер, молодой женщиной, которая тайно изучает квантовую...


Время ураганов. Фернанда Мельчор
- Время ураганов

Жанр: Современная проза

Год издания: 2021

Серия: loft. Букеровская коллекция

Janice Manning - The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition

The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition
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The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition
Janice Manning


Старинная литература

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Millennia ago, Egyptian and Celtic authors recorded prophetic warnings for the future and their harbinger signs are now converging. These predictions are contained in The Kolbrin Bible, a secular wisdom text studied in the days of Jesus and lovingly preserved by generations of Celtic mystics in Great Britain. Nearly as big as the King James Bible, this 3600-year old text warns of an imminent, Armageddon-like conflict with radical Islam, but this is not the greatest threat. The authors of The Kolbrin Bible predict an end to life as we know it, by a celestial event. It will be the return of a massive space object, in a long elliptical orbit around our sun. Known to the Egyptians and Hebrews as the "Destroyer," the Celts later called it the "Frightener."

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which one can always retire, assured that no intruder can assail anyone there. This is the citadel of the soul, against which all the tempests and turmoils of life's storms may beat in vain. Within, all will be serene, peaceful and secure, and if it be well built, nothing can ever overthrow it. BRT:8:7 Loyalty is an attribute of the knightly man. It is expressed in deed and service. Be audacious in confrontation. It is a bold mouse that pulls the cat's whiskers. Be renowned for what you achieve, not for what you are. The renown of a bowman is not earned by his bow, but by his aim. BRT:8:8 Those who seek to shun the battle of life because of cowardice or selfishness find that their attempts to run away are in vain, for the Law compels them to engage. Because human destiny, individual and collective, is bound to the rock of the Law, that which is avoided is enforced. BRT:8:9 I come before the dire days to carry a sword against evils, which threaten our race, and to direct the struggle of man into correct channels. Be true to yourself, and answer accordingly to your own inner knowledge. Are your God-given qualities, which all possess, marshalled to carry out the

Designs of God?

BRT:8:10 The rallying call has sounded, and it echoes in every responsive heart. Arm yourself for the fray with the God-given powers within. Align them to fight on the side of good. The call has gone out, and the inner forces of every Real Man are required to rally to the cause of


BRT:8:11 If everyone in the world would rally their own special forces within and throw these into the battle on the side of good, the Earth would

overflow with goodness. BRT:8:12 Men and women are apathetic; instead of taking up the sword against evil, they stand aside like menials. So evil grows, and the main cause of the present sorry state of the people is man's lack of fighting spirit. In war, it is the cause that counts and it is not enough to resist evil. It must be


BRT:8:13 When you have conquered the weakness within yourself and assumed full control, you are a true knight ready to go out and fight. The trumpet has sounded, and the rallying cry rings out, so do not seek the place of protection. Do not hesitate in this dramatic hour. Say not that these things foreshadow things in days far ahead, or that they are residue from the past. BRT:8:14 Cease all disagreement among yourselves. Unite as comrades

in arms. There will, of course, be arguments and differences, but be men enough not to let them divide you. We are in our present sorry state because of past disunity and disobedience to the Law. Do not allow the knights of right to be disarmed, and fight against the Realm of Darkness. BRT:8:15 It is a manifest thing that kingdoms divided against themselves are destroyed by more united forces. Yet, is not the Kingdom of God divided

against itself?

BRT:8:16 Truth and faith are the handmaidens of love. They bring confidence, and how can a man stand steadfast unless he has confidence, for in confidence is strength. The qualities of knighthood are such that those who have them can look the world in the eye. They have no furtive deeds to hide within where they eat away at a knight's integrity.

BRT:8:17 Praise no day until nightfall, no wife until she is buried, no sword until blooded, no maid until married and no ale until drunk. Never be a talebearer, for this is despicable in a man. BRT:8:18 Persons who, within themselves, are really enemies often come garbed as friends, and among these are the following: He who takes little care to hide his intentions to rob or violate and does it brazenfaced, he who gives a little with the intention of getting much back in return; he who puts on a friendly front out of fear and he who acts friendly to serve his own ends.

BRT:8:19 The man with the well greased, mobile tongue can be distinguished in this manner. He is inclined to talk much about himself and his past accomplishments, or he will fill your ears with boasts about his future deeds; he assails your ears with empty words and with the sweet draught of flattery. Walk warily, for these are false-fronted friends and when their friendship is put to the test, it falls apart like rotten wood. When called upon for assistance in time of need they plead their own misfortunes and handicaps as excuses for standing aside.

BRT:8:20 The smooth-tongued hypocrite glosses over the misdeeds of others. He excuses unworthiness and sings your praises before your face, in your hearing, but reviles you behind your back. Avoid all such as these, for

their friendship is worthless. BRT:8:21 The other to avoid is the wastrel. He will be a pleasant companion in the drinking parlours. He will be your amiable companion in the places of pleasure, where there is gaiety and laughter. He will be a charming companion at feasts and festivals. He will be quick to suggest gambling and dissipation and all things that lead to sloth.

BRT:8:22 Here are the earmarks of a true-hearted friend: He will help you when help is really needed and requires real sacrifice on his part; he remains unchanged amidst the fluctuations of fortune; he is the one who is not afraid to tell you what is for your own good; he is the one who declares his friendship and loyalty in the company of those who condemn you.

BRT:8:23 True friends are few and are treasures indeed. A true friend watches over you when you falter on the way. He keeps a watchful eye on your property and interests when you are indisposed. He is your refuge in times when you are in fear, and your consolation in distress. He is your reassurance in doubt. He never deserts you in need.

BRT:8:24 A true friend tells you his secrets and never under any circumstances reveals yours. He never forsakes you in times of trouble and would sacrifice almost anything for you. BRT:8:25 In earthly armies, rules and commands must be obeyed; there is no other way to conduct a campaign. It is so in the army of good; each and every man can rise by his own efforts and perseverance. BRT:8:26 Be as ready to take orders as to give them, for no man has the qualities of leadership who cannot also obey. All soldiers in the Holy Army must be well disciplined. How otherwise can the battle be won? If we falter in this, the infidel and heretic will prevail and the long, weary journey be


BRT:8:27 Be ever loyal to your comrades placed in authority. Trust them, and change only when, by direct and personal contact and knowledge, you find them false and wanting. True friendship is the greatest of all gifts.

BRT:8:28 In the courts and castles of the land, women, as apart from ladies, because of their physical weakness have been made to appear of lesser importance; but a true knight, while honouring ladyhood, treats all women with respect and chivalry. It is chivalry, which distinguishes our times from

all others.

BRT:8:29 A true knight is decorous at all times and circumspect in the presence of womenfolk, for he honours the delicacy of their ways. Always, however, womanliness is required to respond to and foster the chivalry in men. A mannish-mannered woman is the declared enemy of chivalry. BRT:8:30 A knight embodies the criteria for manhood. He concentrates on mannish things and mannish ways. He does not meddle in the affairs of


BRT:8:31 A true lady is a rare and lovely jewel. What the word 'lady'

means is hard to define, but one meaning is that a lady is a woman, in whose private presence, a man acts with


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