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# 2088, книга: В суде
автор: Антон Павлович Чехов

"В суде" - блестящая повесть Антона Чехова, которая искусно исследует природу человеческой психики в контексте судебной системы. Главный герой, Семен Иванович, обычный крестьянин, который оказывается вовлеченным в судебный процесс в качестве присяжного заседателя. По мере того, как он наблюдает за ходом судебного разбирательства, его представления о справедливости и морали подвергаются серьезному испытанию. Чехов мастерски раскрывает внутренний конфликт Семена Ивановича. С одной...


NGSL - 2818 frequent english words with definitions for ESL learners

2818 frequent english words with definitions for ESL learners
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2818 frequent english words with definitions for ESL learners


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NEW GENERAL SERVICE LIST PROJECT the most important words for second language learners of English a New General Service List (NGSL) of 2818 core high frequency vocabulary words for students of English as a second language, a major update of Michael West’s 1953 General Service List . First published in early 2013, the NGSL provides over 92% coverage for most general English texts (the highest of any corpus-derived general English word list to date).

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guitar,a musical instrument with strings that you play by pulling the strings with your fingers or a piece of plastic,

profession,a type of job that requires special education or skill,

pump,"a device that forces liquid, air, or gas into or out of something ",

chamber,a room used for an official or special purpose,

veteran,someone who has been in the military; someone who has done a job or activity for a long time,

shine,to give off light ,

championship,a competition to find the best team or player in a particular game or sport,

stake,"If something is at stake, it is in a situation where it might be lost or damaged; an amount of money invested in a business",

gear,a set of parts in a vehicle or bicycle that control how fast the wheels turn; the clothes and equipment used for a particular purpose,

joy, a feeling of great happiness,

remote,far away,

entertain, to have people as guests in your home or in a public place ,

reliable,able to be trusted or believed,

strengthen,"to make (someone or something) stronger, more forceful, more effective, etc. ",

orange,a citrus fruit that is round and that has an orange skin ,

cheek,the soft part of your face below your eye,

jail,a place where criminals are kept as a punishment,

forever,for all time in the future,

imagination,the ability to create ideas or pictures in your mind,

bias,a tendency to believe certain people or ideas,

possession,the condition of having or owning something ,

chat,to talk with someone in a friendly and informal way,

dramatically,suddenly or unexpectedly; with much drama,

carbon,a chemical element present in all animals and plants and in coal and oil (symbol C),

servant,a person who is hired to do household or personal duties such as cleaning and cooking ,

curious,having a desire to learn or know more about something or someone ,

structural,relating to the structure of something,

neglect,to fail to take care of or to give attention to (someone or something),

compute,to find out by calculating or estimating,

rear,the back part of something,

ski,"one of a pair of long, thin pieces of wood or plastic that you wear on the bottom of boots to move over snow",

pot,"a deep, round container that is used for cooking ",

revise,"to make changes, add something to improve",

snap,"to break something, such as a pencil, making a short, loud sound",

stimulate,to make something happen or develop more; to make someone feel interested and excited,

grin,to smile a big smile,

adjustment,"a slight change that you make to something so that it works better, fits better, or is more suitable",

printer,a machine which is connected to a computer and which produces writing or images on paper,

moon,the large round object that circles the Earth and that shines at night by reflecting light from the sun ,

boom,"a period when there is a big increase in sales or profits; a loud, deep sound",

scan,to examine something with a machine; to use a machine that copies a document into a computer,

cheese,a yellow or white solid food that is made from milk,

shell,"the hard outer covering of an animal, insect, etc., that protects it ",

pride,a feeling that you respect yourself and deserve to be respected by other people,

grandmother,the mother of your mother or father,

situate,to put something in a particular position,

resign,to give up (a job or position) in a formal or official way,

supplement,"something that is added to make it complete, help understanding",

bunch,a group of things of the same kind that are held or tied together or that grow together ,

clothing,"clothes, especially of a particular type",

barely,only just,

ceremony,a formal act or event that is a part of a social or religious occasion ,

firmly,"not gently, with some force",

pipe,"a long, hollow tube for carrying water, steam, gas, etc. ",

maker,the person or company that makes a product,

hopefully,"used, often at the start of a sentence, to express what you would like to happen",

trigger,a lever on a gun that you pull to fire,

stomach,the organ in your body where food goes and begins to be digested after you swallow it ,

destruction,the act or process of damaging something so badly that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired ,

craft,"an activity in which you make something using a lot of skill, especially with your hands; a boat, airplane, or spaceship",

intense,"very strong, great or extreme in degree",

pregnant,A pregnant woman has a baby developing inside her uterus,

logic,a proper or linear way of thinking about something,

indication,a sign showing that something exists or is likely to be true,

subsequently,happening after something else,

presumably,used to say what you think is the likely situation,

happiness,the feeling of being happy,

interior,the inside part of something,

magic,special powers that can make things happen that seem impossible,

menu,a list of food and drinks that you can order in a restaurant; a list of choices on a computer or electronic device,

mystery,something that is not known ,

pro,someone who earns money for playing a sport,

greet,to meet (someone who has just arrived) with usually friendly and polite words and actions : welcome ,

humor,the ability to laugh and recognize that something is funny,

concrete,"a hard substance that is used in building and is made by mixing sand, water, small stones, and cement",

flag,a piece of cloth with a special design that is used as a symbol of a nation or group ,

chocolate,"a sweet, brown food that is made from cocoa",

shelter,a structure that covers or protects people or things,

guideline,"a rule, instruction or principle",

cow,a large animal that is raised by people for milk or meat usually on a farm ,

ownership, the state or fact of owning something,

summarize,to describe briefly the main facts or ideas of


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