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# 1016, книга: Планида
автор: Владимир Григорьевич Соколовский

"Планида" представляет собой увлекательное и трогательное повествование, погружающее читателей в мир современного человека, столкнувшегося с трудностями и задающегося вопросами о судьбе и предназначении. Автор Владимир Соколовский мастерски создает живых и запоминающихся персонажей, каждый из которых борется со своими собственными демонами. Главный герой, Сергей, пытается найти смысл в своей жизни после пережитого травматического опыта. Он отправляется в путешествие в сельскую...


«Весы». Георгий Иванович Чулков
- «Весы»

Жанр: Современная проза

Год издания: 2011

Серия: Годы странствий

Robert Arp - 1001-Ideas-That-Changed-the-Way-We-Think

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Robert Arp


Старинная литература

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These days, it is not uncommon to hear commentators on higher education accuse those who spend time studying the humanities in college or university of being foolish. The idea that a person might take courses in philosophy, psychology, religion, the arts, sociology, or politics strikes many as simply ludicrous. They argue that the whole point of education is to get a job, and that to get a job a person needs to have a practical skill or possess a body of readily applicable knowledge. These goals make the study of “big ideas” in the humanities or social sciences at best ludicrous and at worst pointless.

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class="book">Theosophy 107, 112, 300

Thespis 140, 141

think tanks 474

Third Man Problem 201

Thomas, Lewis The Lives of a Cell 856

Thompson, Sir Henry Cremation: The Treatment of the Body After Death 65

Thoreau, Henry David 471, 495, 502

Thorndike, Edward L. 597

Thrasymachus 170

Tiberius 221

tipping point 770

Tokugawa shogunate 126, 362

Tolkien, J. R. R. 116, 285

Tönnies, Ferdinand 569

tool development 26, 27

toothbrushes 90

top-down cosmology 934

topology 492

Torricelli, Evangelista 215

totem poles 426

trade 28, 38

trade unions 422

traffic lights 530

tragedy 141, 537

Trajan 245

transcendental idealism 430

Transcendentalism 471

transubstantiation 283

Travels of Sir John Mandeville 163

trial by jury 298

trigonometry 232

Trojan Horse 125

Trotsky, Leon 624, 628

Troyes, Chrétien de 295

Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin 597

Turing machine 701

Turner, Michael 918

Tyndall, John 465


Ubuntu 908

UK Biobank 937

Umar 245

uncertainty principle 676

Underhill, Peter 927

unified field theory 167

uniformitarianism 436

Unitarianism 331

United Nations 717

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 149, 157, 731

universals and particulars 185


infinite number of 590, 775

oscillating 686

universities 182

upcycling 905

Ur-Nammu, Code of 81, 89

Urey-Miller experiment 752

Urey, Harold 752

urgent care clinics 831

utilitarianism 439

Utopia 323

utopian socialism 461


V-chip 906

vaccination 286

Valentinus 246

value-added tax (VAT) 759

van Gogh, Vincent 577

van Inwagen, Peter 227

Veblen, Thorstein 600, 605

vector spaces 573

vegetarianism 123, 144

venture philanthropy 935

Venturi, Robert Less is a bore 807

verificationism 408

Verne, Jules Around the World in Eighty Days 540

Vesalius, Andreas 252

Vico, Giambattista 400

video on demand (VOD) 903

Virgin Galactic 940

virtual reality 813

virtual workplaces 925

vitalism 251

Vitruvius 168, 232

Volapük 554

Voltaire 257, 323, 353, 395

cultivate your garden 415

voluntarism 569

von Guericke, Otto 160

von Hartsoeker, Nicolaas 211

von Mises, Richard 704

von Moltke, Helmuth 556

von Neumann, John 713

voodoo 391


wabi-sabi 293

Waddington, C. H. 708

Wales, Jimmy 928

Waliullah, Shah 408

Wallace, Alfred Russell 511

Wantzel, Pierre 224

war is good 556

war on terror 928

warehouse clubs 759

Warnekros, Kurt 683

Watchmaker Analogy 456

water (all is) 130, 167

waterpower 218

Watson, James 370, 756, 855

Watson, John 643

wave theory of light 379

weak force 693

Weber-Fechner law 478

Weber, Max 321, 619, 621

Wegener, Alfred 337

Weierstrass, Karl 858

Weinberg, Stephen 817, 854

Weismann, August 458, 560

Wellcome Trust, London 937

Wellington, Duke of 474

Wells, H. G. 323

Werner, Karl 804

Wertheimer, Max 640

West, Brett 906

Westinghouse, George 340

Weyl, Hermann 648

Whitcomb, John C. The Genesis Flood 786

White, Ellen G. The Great Controversy 508

Whitehead, Alfred North 151

Whitney, Eli 453

Whyte, William H. 755

Wicca 159, 761

Wiener, Norbert 726

Wikipedia 928

Wilczek, Frank 846

Wiles, Andrew 359

Wilkins, John 371

William of Ockham 185, 210, 214, 293

Williams, Ralph Vaughan 326

Willis, Ceasare “Tight Eyez” 922

Wilson, Allan 887

Wilson, William 695

Wimsatt, William 718

Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 417

wind power 61

winemaking 47

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 255, 408

beetle in a box 758

if a lion could speak 758

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 665

Wollstonecraft, Mary 442, 445

Woolf, Virginia A Room of One’s Own 680

World Anti-Piracy Observatory 938

World Wide Web 893

W3C 903

world, end of 99

infinite number of worlds 336

wormholes 648

Wovoka 575

Wright, Orville and Wilbur 271, 457, 485

wu wei 136, 139

Wundt, Wilhelm 552, 611


X-rays 587

Xenophon 134


Y-chromosomal Adam 927

Yijing (I Ching) 82, 126

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 234

Yoga Vasistha 228

you are what you eat 500

Young, Michael The Rise of the Meritocracy 778


Zahavi, Amotz 860

Zen 275, 293, 295

Zeno of Citium 217

Zeno of Elea 159

Zeno’s arrow 171

Zermelo, Ernst 610

zero 97, 161

Zhuangzi 136, 139

Zimmerman, Paul 618

Zoroastrianism 50, 65, 99, 109, 119

Zubrin, Robert The Case for Mars 912

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