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# 2154, книга: Последняя ночь
автор: Леонид Михайлович Жариков

"Последняя ночь" - трогательная и душевная детская книга, которая затрагивает темы дружбы, предательства и прощения. Автор Леонид Жариков создал увлекательный и эмоциональный рассказ, который обязательно оставит след в сердцах юных читателей. История начинается с двух лучших друзей, Саши и Сережи, которые проводят незабываемое лето, полное приключений. Однако одна ночь меняет все, когда Сережа предает Сашу, что приводит к их разделению. По мере того, как раскрывается правда о...

Oleg Kleonov - Steal Like artist Communist

Steal Like artist Communist
Книга - Steal Like artist Communist.  Oleg Kleonov  - прочитать полностью в библиотеке КнигаГо
Steal Like artist Communist
Oleg Kleonov


Контркультура, Критика, Изобразительное искусство, фотография

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Краткое содержание книги "Steal Like artist Communist"

The book is dedicated to the emerging socialist, revolutionary new art after the collapse of the USSR. The slogan of such art: "We take inspiration from the rich and give it to the poor." Oleg Leonov addresses important issues of private ownership of art under communism, the attitude of censorship and punitive authorities to piracy and copyright infringement. The question of socialist motives in bourgeois works is also considered. "Artists before only painted the world, our job is to change it." Oleg Leonov Содержит нецензурную брань.

К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: Самиздат,искусство,коммунизм,принципы дизайна,пиратство

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Within themselves, they are interested in creating the best capitalists, such as their children or small entrepreneurs.

Therefore, in the world of capitalists, art is divided into art for the education of sellers of labor, moreover cheap and skilled, and art for the education of the creators of capitalism. Our task is also to educate creators from people. Only of all people.

It is easier to draw a diagram.

Книгаго: Steal Like artist Communist. Иллюстрация № 8
This is why we need to learn at the same time from degenerate works that are popular among the people and from a narrow, really good line of works for the education of the capitalists themselves.

Our task is to take the best of their capitalist, feudal, and slave-owning formation and develop it. So it turns out that we love General Lee, but we are anti – slavery, we tell stories about brave knights, although we know that in reality they are the enemies of the people.

Our task is to find what makes popular anti-national films, pictures, and so on popular, and then use it for your own purposes. Our task is also to make our works make the best people, heroic and smart. At the same time, it is necessary to capture the hearts and minds of citizens.

Therefore, it is worth taking beauty and clarity, rigor and logic from popular works, and putting a strong creative message in them.

The question arises-how to do this. The answer is obvious. The most important thing is to study books, even go to lectures in bourgeois universities, and it does not matter – as a student, a free listener, or a listener in a video recording. You also need to take into account the Soviet experience.

It is also worth isolating all the good things from the works of capitalists, memorizing them, and trying to create something similar and better. You can even create a separate folder for "good ideas". Bourgeois reporters call such a folder "mortuary" – and I like that name. Your mortuary folder is where you keep the "dead" that you will bring back to life later, in your own works.

Книгаго: Steal Like artist Communist. Иллюстрация № 9





Not "do what", but "How do»

If I didn't decide to "start drawing" until I figured out what I want to draw, who I am, and why I live, I would still be doing self-digging, not business. I know from my own experience that a person is known in his work, his earning a living.

You are already ready, don't ask yourself "what should I do?". There is a problem in the world – capitalism, and even when we win it, there will be all sorts of interesting stuff like limited resources, aging and death. So solve one of these problems. Your task is not to think what to solve, but to think how to solve it. That is, not "do what", but "what to do with it", that is, how to solve this problem.

Maybe you're scared to start. It happens. This is a defense mechanism developed by humans so that they do not touch any new things unnecessarily. For example, they didn't jump on rocks or touch any snakes. Well, here you need to understand that it is difficult for everyone to get used to it, only the help of your friends will help you here.

As one partisangirl said

"Оne smile from a comrade removes all fear and fatigue"

Книгаго: Steal Like artist Communist. Иллюстрация № 10
Happy summer in a labor camp Superov (SUPERLAG) in Kolyma

Let it be just a game at first

«It's the devil's toy, YesDJi!»

– Kama Bullet, candidate for master of sports

Bourgeois capitalists offer their artists to play artists until they become them. Reading this in Russian – I didn't have any questions. After all, playing like football, not playing professionally, playing poorly, having fun-this is good and normal. But our favorite enemies of the people want us to play like actors in the theater.

And it's funny.

1. pretend to be someone you are not; copy until you are successful, until people see you as you want to be; or

2. Pretend to do something until you actually do it.

They are satisfied with both interpretations – you need to perform a ritual, dress in the artist's textures (and where do they sell these?) and after the ceremony, everything will be very cool.

Enemies of the people are inspired by the book "Just Kids" by singer Patti Smith. This is the story of two friends who aspired to become artists and came to new York for this purpose. They pretended to be artists. In the strangest scene, Patti Smith and her friend, photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, dressed up in all their Bohemian Gypsy outfits and went to Washington square Park, a popular walking spot. Their appearance attracted the attention of an elderly couple of tourists. The wife told her husband: "Let's take a picture of them. I think they are artists." "'No, come on, they're just little dibs, '" her husband said. Let's put aside these funny nonsense of capitalists. They have an even funnier nonsense where everyone can get rich just by working hard.

However, you can play as well as play airsoft, volleyball, and so on. What I want to say: "Creative work is also a kind of game." In your case, the arena for the game is your audience, friends, in the society of artists or on the Internet, they all look at your work and see the beauty. And you look at their faces with a satisfied face and feel like a master.

And here is the most important thing. Playing in humans and in all animals is a training exercise. Only in humans is this a means to lose time and can bend the back to scoliosis. The same airsoft – you did not die, but took off your nerves, and ran with armor and a Kalash. Everything is very cool.

Or all sorts of catch-up in childhood – this is a warm-up of the body, a jog. The bottom line is that you can't run away from a tiger and a bullet, but you can run away from a ball and your peers.

Most importantly-running from a bullet – the price of a mistake is death. And if you are hit by a ball-you need to go to respawn. Plus the game is cheaper.

It's the same here. You're an aspiring artist. Draw whatever you can, just whatever you want. Play. No one will judge you, and if you succeed, everyone will praise you. Play and have fun. Maybe you'll start drawing seriously. You can also play there, but not in pairs in an artist's shop or in paintings for sale, of course.

Play until you realize that it's so cool that you're ready to do it all your life.

Книгаго: Steal Like artist Communist. Иллюстрация № 11

Learn by repeating

People are born simple beings, a resource, if you will. And from this resource at the "factory", that is, kindergarten, school, army and University, they are already making citizens. Children repeat after their parents, teachers, and older children.

Книгаго: Steal Like artist Communist. Иллюстрация № 12
When we say repetition, we are talking about practice. This is not plagiarism, --">

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