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# 1948, книга: Салтычиха
автор: Иван Кузьмич Кондратьев

"Салтычиха" Ивана Кондратьева - захватывающая историческая проза, которая погружает нас в жуткий и мрачный мир жестокой помещицы Дарьи Салтыковой. Автор мастерски воссоздает атмосферу XVIII века, детально описывая быт, нравы и социальные порядки того времени. Образ Салтычихи в романе раскрывается во всей своей кошмарной полноте. Кондратьев не пытается оправдать или приукрасить ее чудовищные преступления, а наглядно демонстрирует всю глубину ее порочности и садизма. Читатель...



Zanna Zaitseva - Stories about fox Liza and wolf Alex

Stories about fox Liza and wolf Alex
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Stories about fox Liza and wolf Alex
Zanna Zaitseva


Детская литература: прочее

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Краткое содержание книги "Stories about fox Liza and wolf Alex"

This is a story about how a fox and a wolf met and fell in love. Stories can be exciting for everyone – for kids to dive into a wonderful adventure; for teenagers looking to read stories about first love; and for adults to reminisce in their childhood memories. Perhaps you will recognize yourself in the fox, or are you more like the wolf? Join Liza & Alex in their amazing adventures together filled with fun and romance!

К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: Самиздат,история для детей,английский язык для детей,short stories,stores in English

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perfect with his black bow-tie. Alex was ready to meet Liza.

After sunset he was under the old oak-tree. Alex waited for the cute small fox.

Liza was ready to go. Suddenly Valery came to her.

“Where are you going?” Valery asked.

“I want to go for a walk.”


“Yes, I want to walk alone.”

“I know, you are going to meet with this wolf. I have told you already, he is dangerous. He is a big wolf with big fangs and claws! He is very strong! He can hurt you!” Valery was very emotional, when she was saying that.

“No, Alex is different!”

“You can do whatever you want, dear Liza. But I warned you!”

Valery went away and Liza ran to the river quickly.

When she saw Alex under the old oak-tree, he was sitting and smiling. His big fangs were shining in the darkness.

She remembered Valery’s words about wolves and the danger. Liza got scared and ran away.

Alex waited for Liza while the moon was rising above his head. He understood that she wouldn’t come.

Alex got upset. He didn’t want to look for the reason why Liza hadn’t come. Alex went home.


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