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Александр Воинов Шпионский детектив 4/5 Четвертая часть серии "Антология советского детектива" представляет собой сборник напряженных шпионских историй из золотого века советской литературы. Автор Александр Воинов является опытным мастером этого жанра, и его рассказы захватывают с первой страницы. В сборнике представлены следующие произведения: * "Заговор" * "Ловушка для охотника" * "Незваный гость" * "Пятая колонна" Каждый рассказ...



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журнал «Информатика и образование» - Информатика и образование 2021 №01

Информатика и образование 2021 №01
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Информатика и образование 2021 №01
журнал «Информатика и образование»


Околокомпьютерная литература, Газеты и журналы, Современные российские издания

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Video conference tools as an element
of technogenic educational environment
in the system of foreign language teaching
V. V. Vonog1, I. V. Kharlamenko2, V. V. Kolga3
Siberian Federal University
660041, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodny prospect, 79

Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1


Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology
660037, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, prospekt im. gazety Krasnoyarskij rabochij, 31.
The article examines the tools of interaction and control between the teacher and students in the process of teaching a foreign
language in a technogenic educational environment by means of Zoom, Skype, Webinar and Discord. The system of foreign language
teaching, implemented by the authors of the article in practical classes, is characterized by integrity, and all its tools are aimed at
implementing the competence-based approach dictated by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in modern
realities. This system takes into account both the practical orientation of the “Foreign Language” discipline and the transformation
of contact hours from offline to online environment. The relevance of the article is explained by new conditions and challenges faced
by participants in the educational process in connection with the pandemic of the coronavirus infection COVID-19, which has reached
a global scale. The new way of contact work and control of the educational environment revealed some problems.
According to the authors’ point of view, electronic, mobile tools and applications, including Zoom, Skype, Webinar and Discord,
are similar in such features as audio and visual contact, communication in chats, sharing screen and emoji symbols. Nevertheless, there
are such differences as demand for downloading the apps to the user’s device, limit of the free access, functions of video recording,
waiting hall, session halls, calendar integration, etc. In the process of teaching a foreign language, cooperation and control obtain
a personality-oriented nature, which results in increasing the motivation of students for independent and distance learning.
Keywords: system of foreign language teaching, competence-based approach, digital tools, control, distance learning, technogenic
environment, Zoom, Skype, Webinar, Discord.
DOI: 10.32517/0234-0453-2021-36-1-57-62
For citation:
Vonog V. V., Kharlamenko I. V., Kolga V. V. Instrumenty videosvyazi kak ehlement tekhnogennoj obrazovatel’noj sredy v sisteme
inoyazychnoj podgotovki [Video conference tools as an element of technogenic educational environment in the system of foreign
language teaching]. Informatika i obrazovanie — Informatics and Education, 2021, no. 1, p. 57–62. (In Russian.)
Received: January 25, 2021.
Accepted: February 9, 2021.
About the authors
Vita V. Vonog, Candidate of Sciences (Culture Studies), Docent, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages for Engineering,
School of Philology and Language Communication, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia; vonog_vita@mail.ru; ORCID:
Inna V. Kharlamenko, Lecturer of English for Sciences Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, Lomonosov
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; ikharlamenko@yandex.ru; ORCID: 0000-0002-0340-7311
Vadim V. Kolga, Doctor of Sciences (Education), Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, Professor at the Department
of Aircraft, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, Russia: kolgavv@yandex.ru; ORCID:


ISSN 0234-0453 • ИНФОРМАТИКА И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ • 2021 • № 1 (320)
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