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Научная литература Книга «Гештальт-самотерапия. Новые техники личностного роста» Мюриэл Шиффман — это всеобъемлющее руководство по гештальт-терапии, которое предоставляет практические инструменты и техники для личностного роста и самоисследования. * Книга предлагает подробное введение в принципы гештальт-терапии, включая ее философию, методы и цели. * Шиффман представляет десятки упражнений и техник, которые читатели могут выполнять самостоятельно, чтобы исследовать свои мысли, чувства и...

Тигрис Рафаэль - Letters from beyond

Letters from beyond
Книга - Letters from beyond.  Тигрис Рафаэль  - прочитать полностью в библиотеке КнигаГо
Letters from beyond
Тигрис Рафаэль


Детектив, Остросюжетные любовные романы

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Краткое содержание книги "Letters from beyond"

Former prima ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, who lived to be 100 years old in her Parisian home, shares her memories with a reporter from America. After her death, fatal events begin to occur with those whom she told about the location of the hidden treasures, and only the reporter manages to avoid the temptation to find these treasures, for which fate treats him mercifully.

К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: Самиздат,звезды балета,воспоминания и мемуары,женская психология,мужчина и женщина,материнская любовь

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— Could, I do not argue. But what was the point? They have already robbed my house and turned it into a revolutionary platform.

— Would they start torturing you to find out where you hid the jewelry?

Kshesinskaya began to giggle softly.

— You're having fun, but I'm scared of your memories.

— I have laid out a small fraction of my jewelry throughout the house in visible and hidden places. These freaks immediately seized them and were satisfied, thinking that this was all I had.

Matilda's giggle turned into a sarcastic laugh, which made those present feel embarrassed.

— So, you managed to save the main part and take it out? Josephine asked directly.

Kshesinskaya looked at her with a smile.

— Josiah, dear! Then all our lives were in mortal danger. We realized this in time and thank God we survived. The most valuable thing is life, everything else is nothing before it. Do you disagree with me?

— That's right, — Josephine agreed with annoyance, having not received an answer to the question that tormented her.

Suddenly Kshesinskaya turned to Robert and said in a stern voice, minting every word.

— It was she who killed Nicky!

— Who do you mean, Malya? Josephine asked confused.

A grimace of hatred was displayed on the face of the former prima ballerina of the royal court.

— That German whore!

— Do you mean Princess Alex?

— This witch is not worthy to be called by her name.

But Nicky really was in love with her.

— Any witch can enchant a man, especially if this witch is of German blood.

There was a silence, during which everyone thought about his own.

Robert came to his senses first.

— So you think that it was the queen who caused the death of the royal family?

She and only she. The Germans did everything to destroy our empire. They did not stint on any expenses, generously paid Lenin, sent him to Russia in a closed carriage on time, staged a seizure of power, and their German whore persuaded Nicky to stay in the country engulfed in flames, knowing in advance what fate awaits them. She ruined the entire royal family, she ruined the great empire.

Everyone froze at these words, but Robert, with professional persistence, continued to develop a topic that was so interesting to him.

“But after ruining the royal family, she ruined both herself and her children.

— This once again proves her essence as a witch. What difference does it make to her to burn at the stake with her brood or to die from a Bolshevik bullet? They don't even have a grave. A pile of bones probably lies in some kind of pit. The same fate was with everyone whom the inquisitors burned at the stake.

— You say terrible things, Madame Matilda! And how do you prove that if you were in Alex's place, you could save the king from reprisal, not to mention saving the empire?

“Rest assured, I would not allow the tsar to be shot as a criminal. I would take him away from that hell into which Lenin and the Bolsheviks turned Russia.

— But where? The English king George, the king's cousin, first invited him to England, but then changed his mind, — said Robert.

— You will not believe it, but it was Alex's mother who persuaded her brother Georg to refuse Nicky.

— It can't be! exclaimed Robert.

“I have documentary evidence,” Kshesinskaya answered with a deadpan tone.

— Mala! — Josephine intervened, — did mother Alex arrange so that her daughter and grandchildren remained to perish in Russia?

— Yes it is. That she and her mother are both identical German witches. They are capable of everything. All the royal courts of Europe have always envied the prosperity of Russia and, if possible, wished to destroy it. But if I were next to Nicky, I could take him out and save him, and it remains to be seen how the wheel of history would turn if there was a living Russian tsar in exile.

— So you knew how it was then possible to leave Russia without hindrance?

— Of course I knew. Not only to leave by yourself, but also how to take out the property.

Those present looked at each other meaningfully. It seemed to them that the moment of truth had arrived.

— You're not hungry? Let's have lunch, — Kshesinskaya suddenly changed the topic of conversation, — today I would eat fresh truffles.

— And from meat?

— From meat, I would prefer lamb in French.

Everyone sat down at the beautifully set dining table.

— Well, Robert? Did you manage to remember all the information that I told you? You didn't write anything down. So forget everything.

I hope I don't forget. But with your permission, I will come here tomorrow with an assistant and she will write everything down.

Matilda stopped chewing and a piece of lamb got stuck in her mouth. Marek looked reproachfully at Robert.

— The presence of a young stranger is not desirable. Let's do it. You listen to everything, and then you dictate to her separately from memory. Deal?

— Deal. In that case, I will leave you so as not to forget what I heard and have time to write it down.

Kshesinskaya did not want to part with Robert so soon.

— What is the name of your secretary? Did I correctly notice that she is not only your assistant in reporting, but also a partner in the field of escort services?

Robert was embarrassed and silent. Josephine intervened in a conversation on a spicy topic.

— Mala! Why do you measure all women with your yardstick?

— What is the name of your assistant, Robert? Kshesinskaya continued imperturbably.

— Monica.

— She is American?

— Yes, and her parents were also born in America.

Where are her ancestors from?

— From Ireland.

— It's good to be from Ireland. The main thing is that they are not from Germany.

— Mrs Matilda. Do you understand what's the matter? Tomorrow is her birthday and I wouldn't want to leave her alone in the hotel.

Matilda's face brightened and a kind smile appeared on her lips.

— Well, since such a thing, bring her here tomorrow. Our chef will prepare Irish stew especially for her.

Robert breathed a sigh of relief.

— Now, forgive me, old woman. I really want to go to bed. Good night everybody!

Congratulations, Robert! You have achieved great success, — said Josephine, when the servants drove Matilda far into the bedrooms.

— Do you mean tomorrow's invitation of my assistant?

— Not only. Today we finally learned that her jewelry was taken out of Russia.

“Yes, but where does she keep them then?” Marek intervened.

We'll find out about that tomorrow. Robert, you must use all your reporter talent, coupled with masculine charm.

— Do what you want, but get this information tomorrow, — picked up the doctor.

— Wait. I know who can do it,” Josephine said.

— Who?

— Your assistant Monika.

— But how? Do you think that Matilda will tell the most secret to a completely unfamiliar person?

— Exactly! All of us, especially me and Marek, she was rather tired of it. And Monica, a new, fresh character in her fading life, and it is very possible that she will tell her exactly.

“And you are a connoisseur of psychology,” Robert complimented Josephine.

— I just know Malya like the back of my hand. Tomorrow we will celebrate Monica's name day and let Malya drink too much.

— Jose! Do you want to destroy her?

— Vice versa. Bring it to the desired condition, find out where the wealth is, and then …

— What then?

— Then, the doctor is your concern.


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