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Николай Владимирович Лакутин - Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…

Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…
Книга - Play for 6 people. Once two new year
Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…
Николай Владимирович Лакутин



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Краткое содержание книги "Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…"

Two friends, on a fine winter day, unexpectedly decide to veto their love Affairs, and start the New year with a clean slate. Determined, they almost sincerely try to enter a righteous life, but will their mistresses want to let their "friends" out of their clutches? What will come of this, read in the Comedy play "Somehow two under the new year".

К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: Самиздат,пьесы,литературные сценарии,драматический театр,театральная жизнь

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just said a very competent thing. Maybe you really don't need to puzzle over how to arrange everything in life correctly? Who knows what's really right. Maybe the answer to everything lies on the surface? It's so easy to be yourself!

LENYA (judiciously, thoughtfully): The answer is simple, but in execution it is not so easy to implement. Who can afford to be themselves, given the social, civil, family, and other circumstances?

SIMON (wistfully): Well, Yes…

LENYA (summarizing): This is luxury…

Semyon nods his head, understanding the essence and depth of these words.

LENYA (addressing the viewer): We wear masks that adapt to the circumstances… What about it? After all, the world does not stand still, everything moves and everything changes. And we try to keep up with these changes. We run after them, these very changes at their heels, just as wolves attack the trail of their prey. Yes, but we forget that the wolf, following the trail, often becomes a victim himself. The same thing happens to us. We run somewhere blinded by desires, trying to catch up, catch up, grab… And I must say that many people manage to do this. So why is it that at the end of our lives we are almost completely at the bottom of the bucket? Isn't it because you've played other people's roles all your life? Did you not live by your own values? Not by your own standards and impulses? Let them be a thousand times wrong, erroneous, or even vicious! But these are our impulses, brothers! After all, this is all of us! Such as we are! We are real!!!

SEMYON (thoughtfully): Are we real?

There is a slight pause…

LENYA: Yes… certainly be… Necessarily be…

All the actors IN CARNIVAL MASKS COVERING ONLY their EYES, begin to bow with a warm understanding smile and take hands, Lenya also takes hands, but continues his speech without interrupting, he addresses the audience.

LENYA (to the viewer): We are there, deep inside everyone! We are everywhere and everywhere. And even through our numerous masks, our true essence still breaks through! So why wear these masks, Friends?

Semyon tears the agreement sheet into small pieces and throws it with a light heart, exchanging a glance with Lenya in agreement.

LENYA (to the viewer): Down with the masks, and long live what we really are!

Actors tear off their masks and effectively throw them for themselves!

ALL IN CHORUS (to the audience, fun, emotional): Be yourself, brothers, be real, no matter what!


Novosibirsk, August 2020

The terms of the play are negotiated individually.

All of Nikolai Lakutin's plays are available for public viewing on the author's official website http://lakutin-n.ru the" Plays " section

Author's email address Lakutin200@mail.ru

Обложка пьесы разработана автором в дизайнерской программе и является интеллектуальной собственностью Николая Лакутина.


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