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# 1221, книга: Полумесяц разящий
автор: Клайв Касслер

В своей захватывающей книге «Полумесяц разящий» признанный мастер приключенческого жанра Клайв Касслер погружает читателей в мир шпионажа, интриг и древних секретов. Главный герой, агент ФБР Сэм Риззо, оказывается втянут в смертельно опасный заговор, угрожающий безопасности нации. Когда артефакт из древнего храма в Турции попадает в руки террористов, Риззо отправляется на задание, чтобы вернуть его и разоблачить тех, кто стоит за похищением. Автор умело сочетает захватывающий сюжет с...


Непредвиденная опасность. Эрик Эмблер
- Непредвиденная опасность

Жанр: Шпионский детектив

Год издания: 2013

Серия: Шпионский детектив: лучшее

Андрей Головнев - Феномен колонизации

Феномен колонизации
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Феномен колонизации
Андрей Головнев


История: прочее

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eastern “ukraina” for free-people from Russian North and Wilde (Cossack) Field. However, Stroganov colony being a country of “free will”
contrasted by its industrial background to the Field. Stroganovs have
supported the Siberian expedition of ataman Ermak who temporally
succeeded in setting Cossack free colony on Irtysh River. More durable
was another Cossack colony at Southern Urals, which has been founded
by ataman Barbosha (that colony was cradle of so called Yaik or Ural
Cossacks). Metaphorically the colonization of Urals is reminiscent of
polyphony (or rhapsody) with bunch of calling to one another voices of
Stroganovs, Cossacks, Siberian and Kazakh khans, Nogai, Vogul and
Ostiak princes, Komi-Zyryan merchants and Cheremis insurgents. In
Ural colonization all three mainstreams unfolded: nordism in trade of
Stroganovs and other Northerners, hordism in conquest strategies of
khanates and tsardoms, and pontism in missionary activity of Stefan
Permsky and his followers.
Chapter 11 Dash to the East includes sections Mandate for Prince
Gorchakov: Instruction on Colonization, Voivodes and Fortresses,
Walking and Serving, Companions, Rebellious Nomads, Frontier and
Ukraina. Russian and foreign historians do not hide their wonder when
discussing strikingly fast movement of Russians across the whole Siberia in 17th century. Moreover, the colonial rush was unrolled in time of
Trouble seemingly unfit to any expansion since the Moscow state has
been itself invaded by foreigners and barely balanced on the verge of
cracking into colonies. It was not empire that undertook colonization,
rather the colonization constructed empire. Boris Godunov has deservedly acquired a glory of prominent colonizer; his scrupulous instructions to voevodes involve step-by-step guidance and might be reckoned as “manual for colonization.” Well organized “fortress (ostrog)
colonization” in Godunov period was replaced with chaotic actions in
the time of Troubles. Eastern Siberia behind the Yenisei River was turn
into “Wilde East” with concurrent ventures and raids of various seekers for “no-man’s lands.” This rampancy has accelerated the Russian


Andrei V. Golovnev. Phenomenon of Colonization

dash to the East where northern traders, southern Cossacks and central
voevodes raced against each other. The most uneasy for conquest and
subjugation were nomads, both in steppe and tundra. Russian expansion stimulated the series of conflicts, growth of mobility and retreat
of Samoyed reindeer-herders to remote areas. This caused so called
“reindeer revolution” or, better to say, mobilization ended with spread
of large-scale reindeer-herding. No less turbulent drama has happened
in the other edge of the Arctic, on Chukotka, where “hundred years’
war” between Russians and Chukchi occurred. Russian blitz from Urals
to Pacific coast hardly could be possible without alliance with Tatars
and Zyryans; some clans and elites among Ostiaks, Yakuts, Tungus,
Buryats, Koryaks, Yukagirs and others also assisted Russian movement
producing effect of symbiosis.
Some general observations could be also pointed:
• Human beings more than other living creatures succeeded in
populating the whole globe and, at the same time, preserving
biological unity;
• Making new settlement is just an episode within the strategy of
movement based on mobility and power over space;
• Colonization is two-sided road, and colonies use to colonize somewhat their metropolises (through captives, elite,
hired soldiers and workers); that provokes an effect of
• By crossing borders the colonization sets a vivid contact between peoples and cultures, which entails concurrent and sometimes productive dialogue;
• All countries experienced a destiny of colony and many of them
witnessed a “migration of metropolises” as well as castling of
colony and metropolis roles;
• Colonization often shapes the relations of hierarchy (mastery and subordination) between peoples in a form of empire,
trade-industrial network and other variants of dependency, although colonists might represent both elite and lower classes
(slaves, peasants, craftsmen, workers);
• There are two main types of colonization: local one (usage of
eco-niche with its bio-resources) and mainstream one (coverage of vast space with its social resources); in their interaction



(alliance, symbiosis) the mainstream culture is functioning as
moving, the local one as rooting;
• Mainstream colonization performs three styles: nomadic, power, and networking; the first provides the mobile control over
dependent peoples and countries; the second establishes the
military-administrative subordination (sometimes imperial regime); the third constructs the trade-industrial web of interrelations with components of partnership;
• Character of borderland reveals the stand of main country toward colonization: Roman limes and Chinese Wall guarded the
empire; American frontier was the front of European offensive
onto Natives; Russian ukraina simultaneously competed and
cooperated with central power in spatial expansion;
• Colonization is maintained by mythology (oracles, myths on
miraculous lands), theopolitics (religious revenge, ideas of chosen people and others for subjugation and conversion), ideology
(doctrine of supremacy as a pivot of colonialism, neocolonialism, and postcolonialism), special knowledge (logography, cartography, geopolitics);
Colonization is of many faces: different personages ranging from
roaming beggar to empire builder partake in it willingly or not; the motives and mechanisms of this spatial movement might be seen in the
stream of everyday life (for example new leader “colonizes” the work
area by force of her/his team; kids “colonize” available home and outdoor space even in games); these are references to universality, rather
than to uncertainty, of the colonization phenomenon.

Научное издание

Андрей Владимирович Головнёв
чл.-корр. РАН, доктор исторических наук, профессор

Рекомендовано к изданию
Ученым советом
Института истории и археологии УрО РАН

Редактор: И. В. Зырянова
Верстка: С. В. Лёзова
Иллюстрации: А. С. Рогова

Подписано в печать 01.06.2015
Формат 60х90 1/16. Бумага ВХИ 80 гр./м2
Печать офсетная. Гарнитура Georgia. Усл. печ. л. 37. Уч.-изд. л. 33.
Тираж 600 экз. Заказ № 460
Оригинал-макет подготовлен в научно-редакционном отделе
Института истории и археологии УрО РАН
620026, г. Екатеринбург, ул. С. Ковалевской, 16
e-mail: UI_vestnik@mail.ru
Отпечатано в соответствии с предоставленным оригинал-макетом
в ОАО «ИПП «Уральский рабочий»
620990, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Тургенева, 13
http://www.uralprint.ru, e-mail: sales@uralprint.ru


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