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# 1344, книга: Козье болото
автор: Анастасия Викторовна Астафьева

Ребятки, вы просто обязаны прочитать эту книжку! Невероятные сказки Анастасии Астафьевой перенесут вас в волшебный мир, где живут добрые и злые персонажи, происходят чудеса и побеждает добро! "Козье болото" - это кладезь русских традиций и мудрости, которые подаются в легком и увлекательном формате. Сказки не только развлекают, но и учат детей важным жизненным урокам, таким как честность, смелость и забота о слабых. Особо хочу отметить красочные иллюстрации, которые дополняют текст...

Lewis Foreman - Business trip series

Business trip series
Книга - Business trip series.  Lewis Foreman  - прочитать полностью в библиотеке КнигаГо
Business trip series
Lewis Foreman


Иностранные языки

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Краткое содержание книги "Business trip series"

Talking of a business trip you can rely on a structure and vocabulary used in this book.

К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: Самиздат,книги для чтения на английском языке

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clients, enhance reputation, and expand the business.

Before the trip, the company provides the employee with a travel itinerary, including flights, accommodations, transportation, and expense policy. The employee needs to prepare for the trip accordingly, including packing necessary items and keeping all the relevant documents and tickets handy.

During the trip, the employee is responsible for completing the assigned tasks and making a good impression on the clients and partners. The employee also has to follow the travel policy and keep track of all the expenses to be reimbursed later.

In conclusion, a business trip is an essential part of many companies that provides opportunities for growth, learning, and advancement. It requires preparation, responsibility, and effective communication to ensure a successful outcome.


A business trip is a type of trip taken by an individual or a group of employees on behalf of their company or organization, typically for the purpose of attending conferences, meetings, training sessions, or working on projects with colleagues or clients in another location.

Business trips can last from a day to several weeks, depending on the nature of the trip and the work to be done. Generally, the employer covers the expenses of the trip, including transportation, accommodation, and the cost of meals and incidentals.

A business trip can be a valuable opportunity for employees to develop their skills, knowledge, and network, as well as build relationships with clients and colleagues. However, it can also be a stressful and tiring experience, especially if it involves long flights, jet lag, and a hectic schedule.

To maximize the benefits of a business trip, it is essential to plan and prepare carefully for the trip, including creating an itinerary, packing smartly, and minimizing the risk of delays and disruptions. It's also important to balance work with leisure time, taking breaks and exploring the local area.

In conclusion, business trips play a crucial role in the success of many companies and organizations, enabling employees to work collaboratively with others, learn new skills, and build relationships with clients and colleagues. However, it requires careful planning and consideration to make the most of these trips and ensure their success.


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