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# 1080, книга: Поведение собаки
автор: В А Беленький (синоним для Владимир Александрович Беленький)

В Беленький Домашние животные Владельцы собак, любители животных, профессионалы-кинологи 5 из 5 звезд Книга «Поведение собаки» В Беленького — это исчерпывающее руководство по пониманию и интерпретации поведения собак. Основанная на научных исследованиях и практическом опыте автора, книга предлагает ценные идеи для владельцев собак всех уровней знаний. Книга разделена на главы, охватывающие различные аспекты поведения собак, в том числе: * Базовое общение и язык тела * Обучение и...


В Л Каушанская - Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка
Книга - Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка.  В Л Каушанская  - прочитать полностью в библиотеке КнигаГо
Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка
В Л Каушанская



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whether I was saying. __ right thing. (Du Maurier)45, Then it was night and he was awake, standing in __ street, looking up at __ dark windows of __ place where he lived. __ front door was locked and there was no one in __ house. (Saroyan)46. I believe I can tell __ very.moment I began to love him. (Galsworthy)47. We are told that __ heart of __ man is deceitful above all __ things, and desperately wicked. (Shaw)48. "I must do it," said Adam; "it's __ right thing." (Eliot)49. Mr. Boythorn lived in __ pretty house with __ lawn in front, __ bright flower garden at __ side and __ kitchen-garden in __ rear, enclosed with __ wall. __ house was __ real old house. (Dickens)50 __ bartender was __ pale little man in __ vest and apron, with __ pale, hairy arms and __ long, nervous nose. (/. Shaw)51. __ face to __.face, he was as warm and easy-natured as he had ever been. (Snow)52. 1 had not yet learnt how contradictory is human nature; I did not know how much pose there is in __ sincere, how much baseness in _ noble, or how much goodness in __ reprobate. 10 (Maugham)53. During __ country house parties one day is very like another. __ men put on __ same kind of variegated tie, eat __ same breakfast, tap __ same barometer, smoke __ same pipes and kill __ same birds. (Galsworthy)54. Almost at. very moment when r,he had returned Aileen had appeared. (Dreiser) 55. __ old man quitted __ house secretly at __ same hour as before. (Dickens)56. We are told that __ wicked shall be punished. (Shaw)57. __ arm in __ arm we walked on, sometimes stumbling over __ hump of earth or catching our feet in __ rabbit-holes. (Hansford lohnson) 58. Clare was __ most vivid member of __ family. She had dark fine shingled hair and __ pale expressive face, of which __ lips were slightly brightened. __ eyes were brown, with __ straight and eager glance, __ brow low and very white. Her expression was old for __ girl of twenty, being calm and yet adventurous. (Galsworthy)59. When I was __ child my mother used to make __ cakes and send me out with them as __ presents to __ neighbours. And. __ neighbours would give us __ presents too, and not only at Christmas time. (Murdoch)60. I wrote to __ Managing Editor that this was __ wrong moment to change their correspondent. (Greene)

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. Приходил почтальон? 2. Это был высокий белый дом; он был окружен большим садом. 3. Дом построен два года назад. 4. Мое любимое дерево — дуб. 5. Возле дома рос старый дуб. 6. Мы опоздали на поезд, и нам пришлось долго ждать на вокзале. 7. Попугай может подражать человеческой речи. 8. Мы вошли в маленькую комнату, в которой стоял стол, несколько стульев и кресло. 9. Я надеюсь, что завтра вы дадите мне ответ. 10. Телескоп нужен астрономам, а микроскоп — биологам. 11. Серебряная луна светила на небе. 12. Скрипка — струнный инструмент, флейта — духовой. 13. Шекспир и Сервантес умерли в одном и том же году. 14. Мы получили телеграмму в самый день нашего отъезда. 15. Вы мне дали не тот адрес. 16. Некоторые из гостей ушли рано. 17. Они живут на одной улице. 18. Он постучался не в ту дверь.

Exercise 4. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with nouns modified by attributes in post-position.)

1. __ man of whom I speak is __ low pantomime actor. 2. Excuse me now, I have to see __ man who's in trouble... (Galsworthy) 3 __ people familiar with these moors often miss their road on such evenings. (E. Bronte) 4. He listened attentively to a great many stories she told him about __ amiable and handsome daughter of hers, who was married to __ amiable and handsome man and lived in the country. (Dickens)5. I always think there's something rather cold and cheerless about __ house that lacks __ woman's touch. (Maugham)6. He stood up and looked at __ house where he had been born, grown up, and played, as if asking for __ answer. (Galsworthy)7. Her throat aches because of __. tears locked in it. (Lessing)8. I am persuaded that this will be __ shock of which he will feel __ effects all his life- (Eliot)9. There were half __ dozen pocket robberies __ day in __ trams of Brussels. (Bennett)10. There we were in __ country none of us knew anything about, amongst Indians and __ people that were only half civilised. (Galsworthy)11. At last they reached — door at which __ servant knocked cautiously. (Murdoch)12. We passed—set of chambers where I had worked as __ young man. (Snow)13. It is in __ hour of trial that __ man finds his true profession. (Shaw)14. We dropped into __ very pleasant nook under — great elm tree, to __ spreading roots of which we fastened __ boat. (Jerome K. Jerome)15. It chanced that when this lonely young lady was about nineteen, she, being __ fearless horsewoman, was riding, with only — young lad..,. in one of __ woods near her uncle's house... and, in trotting along, her horse stumbled over __ root of — felled tree. She slipped to __ ground, not seriously hurt, and was assisted home by — gentleman who came in view at __ moment of her mishap. It turned out that this gentleman... was on __ visit at __ house of __ neighbouring landowner. (Hardy)16. He was staring at __ waves like __ man cornered by __ strange animal. (Murdoch)17. You don't know _ man you are married to. (Shaw)18. He spoke with a very slow, distinct voice... and always looked over — shoulder of __ person to whom he was talking. (Wilde)19. There had been at — dining table __ middle-aged man with __ dark eye and — sunburnt face, who had attracted Martin's attention. (Dickens)20. And he had tea sitting on __ edge of __.chair that did not look too firm, all gilt and spindly. (Galsworthy)21. They walked __ mile or more along __ handsome street which __ colonel said was called Broadway... Turning, at length, into one of — numerous streets which branched from this main thoroughfare, they stopped before __ rather meanlooking house. (Dickens)22. Colonel Mordaunt does not look like — man who would do __ mean or dishonourable thing. (Marryaf) 23. She is __ elderly matron who has worked hard and got nothing by it. (Shaw)24. He was, in fact, __ younger edition of his father. (Galsworthy)25. As Dick took up his pipe, __ man who had passed into __ smoking car with him put down his newspaper and looked at him. For __ moment Dick was puzzled. It was __ face he knew, but he could not put __ name to it. Where had he seen __ man? (Winter) 26. During __ twenty minutes Michael took to read __ doem, there was not __ sound, except from the sheets being turned. (Galsworthy)27. Rosa then noticed with surprise that she was in __ room in which __ party had been held. (Murdoch)

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Сегодня я, наконец, достал книгу, которую я уже давно хочу прочесть. 2. Вот человек, с которым вы хотите поговорить. 3. Я не люблю людей, которые ко всем придираются. 4. Я знаю девушку, которая удивительно хорошо декламирует стихи. Вчера она прочла стихотворение, которое мне очень понравилось. 5. Улицы, по которым он проходил, --">

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