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# 1395, книга: Черный апостол
автор: Андрей Андреевич Красников

В книге "Черный апостол" Андрея Красникова читатели погружаются в мир беспощадной боевой фантастики. История следует за Ливием, бывшим капитаном космической разведки, который был выставлен из элитного подразделения после неудачного задания. Оказавшись без гроша в кармане и с разбитым сердцем, Ливий вынужден присоединиться к команде наемников под названием "Псы войны". Когда они принимают рискованный заказ на защиту научной экспедиции на отдаленной планете, их миссия быстро...

David Steindl-Rast - Words of Common Sense

Words of Common Sense
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Words of Common Sense
David Steindl-Rast



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Templeton Foundation Press

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deliberation. Only by producing consensus will common sense be truly common. There is no shortcut to consensus, but even a long and tedious road to it will be worth the effort. Decision by majority vote is to con sensus what marching in parade step is to waltzing. Dancers must listen to the same music; this is why we must question whether it is the same authority we obey.

I was twelve when Hitler invaded Austria, and my teens were overshadowed by the swastika. This taught me early in life to question authority, to ask, “Who says so?” It can still be a helpful habit to ask the question while you listen to the evening news. “Who says so?” In whose interest is it to tell us a particular piece of news in these words and with this perspective? Friends say to me, “If we had lived then, we too would have questioned authority.” Well, can you be sure you would have done it then unless you are questioning authority now? There is no time or place, no situation, in which we can afford to stop questioning to what extent we are in tune with common sense. Questioning basic assumptions is as essential to our safety as checking the launching pad of a rocket is for the safety of astronauts.

At any point in history, we are all like the crew of a spaceship at countdown. In times like our own, the countdown seems even more clearly audible. We are taking off for an unimaginable future. Everything is changing. Common sense had been steering the universe from change to change for vast stretches of time, before we humans ever arrived. We cannot stop change. But we can cultivate common sense so that the changes for which we and our society are responsible will be in tune with the creative force of the universe — call it the Tao, the Logos, or Dante’s “Love that moves the sun and all the stars.”


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