Библиотека knigago >> Douglas Niles


# 2495, книга: Здравствуй, свобода! (СИ)
автор: Екатерина Кролик

Самиздат, сетевая литература «Здравствуй, свобода!» — это захватывающая и эмоциональная история о Любови, девушке, борющейся за свою свободу от гнета Мрака. Главная героиня — сильный и стойкий персонаж, который не боится противостоять трудностям. Ее путешествие наполнено эпическими сражениями, тяжелыми потерями и трогательными встречами. Кролик умело рисует мир, полный не только опасностей, но и надежды. Одним из самых сильных аспектов книги является ее тематика свободы. Люба борется за...


Хозяйка Проклятой Пустоши. Книга 1 (СИ). Наталья Белецкая
- Хозяйка Проклятой Пустоши. Книга 1 (СИ)

Жанр: Любовная фантастика

Год издания: 2023

Серия: Хозяйка Проклятой Пустоши

Книги автора Douglas Niles

Douglas NilesDouglas Niles (born December 1, 1954, in Brookfield, Wisconsin) is a fantasy author and game designer. Niles was one of the creators of the Dragonlance world and the author of the first three Forgotten Realms novels, and the Top Secret S/I espionage role-playing game.
Niles was born in Brookfield, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee, and his family moved to Nashotah, a small town to the north, when he was twelve years old. Niles developed an interest in heroic fantasy, as well as wargaming, and began writing short stories and making short films in high school. Niles attended the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh, where he majored in speech and minored in English. While there, he met Chris Schroeder, whom he married three years later.
After graduation, Niles began teaching Speech and English at Clinton (Wis.) High School, about 30 miles away from Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. “One day, one of my students came up and said she had a note to get out of class that afternoon because she was going to be interviewed by People magazine. Her name was Heidi Gygax. I asked her why People wanted to interview her, and she told me that her father had invented the Dungeons & Dragons game. Well, I had heard of D&D, but didn’t know that the designer lived so close to me. The next day, Heidi brought me a copy of the original D&D Basic Set, and two days later, I got some friends together and played my first game. I was the DM.”

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