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# 1423, книга: Сахара
автор: Клайв Касслер

"Сахара" - это пульсирующий боевик, который перенесет читателей в пустыню Северной Африки, где переплетаются заговоры, сокровища и древнее зло. Главный герой, Дирк Питт, морской инженер с покладистым характером, попадает в опасное приключение после крушения контейнеровоза. Он обнаруживает, что на корабле перевозилась таинственная плита, происхождение которой окутано легендами. Плитку преследует загадочный магнат, Джейсон Констант, который стремится завладеть ее силой. Дирк, вместе с...


Книги автора Уилл Эллиот

Уилл ЭллиотБиография

Will Elliott (born 1979) is an Australian literary horror fiction writer who lives in Brisbane, Queensland.
His debut novel The Pilo Family Circus was published in Australia in 2006 after winning the inaugural ABC Fiction Award (sponsored by ABC Books).The novel went on to win the Aurealis Award (co-winner: Best Horror novel, plus the Golden Aurealis Award), the Australian Shadows Award, the Ditmar Award (Best Novel), the Sydney Morning Herald's "Best Young Novelist Award" for 2007 and the 'Premios Nocte' Best Foreign Book Award 2011. The Pilo Family Circus also short-listed for the 2007 International Horror Guild Award for Best Novel. The Pilo Family Circus has been picked up for North American distribution by Victoria Blake's new publishing company, Underland Press and was scheduled to be one their debut novels in 2009.
Elliott dropped out of a law degree at 20 when he developed schizophrenia.

Although The Pilo Family Circus is about a young man struggling with a psychotic alter-ego when he dons clown face paint, Elliott has said the novel is not autobiographical.
Elliott has written some short stories. His first published story "Ain't no ordinary ham" (Griffith Review, Sept 2006) was reprinted in Best Australian Stories 2006, ed. Robert Drewe (Black Ink, 2006).
Elliott's memoir "Strange Places" was released in Australia on 1 May 2009, chiefly dealing with Elliott's experiences with schizophrenia and detailing the development of his writing career. It was short-listed for the Prime Minister's Literary Awards for Non-fiction in 2010.
His most recent published work is "The Pendulum Trilogy" consisting of the three novels Pilgrim, Shadow and World's End. Pilgrims was published on 1st April 2010, Shadow on 1st January 2011 and World's End on 1st October 2011 by HarperCollins Publishers Australia.
Elliott is currently working on a comic fantasy entitled Nightfall.

The Pilo Family Circus / Цирк семьи Пайло

Pendulum Series
World's End

Strange Places

Short stories
"Ain't no ordinary ham", Griffith Review (September 2006)
Best Australian Stories 2006, ed. Robert Drewe (Black Inc, 2006).
"Pre-emptive Strike"
Best Australian Stories 2007, ed. Robert Drewe (Black Inc, 2007).
Титулы, награды и премии


Ditmar Award, Best Novel (2007)
Australian Shadows Award (2007)
Golden Aurealis Award, Best Novel (2007)
Aurealis Award, Horror novel, co-winner with Edwina Grey's Prismatic (2007)
"Best Young Novelist Award", The Sydney Morning Herald (2007)
ABC Fiction Award (2006)
Nocte Award Best Foreign Book Award (2011).


International Horror Guild Award, Novel (2007)
Prime Minister's Literary Awards for Nonfiction(2010)

Список книг (или ознакомительные фрагменты) автора Уилл Эллиот. Жанры написанных книг: Ужасы, Фэнтези: прочее, Триллер, Городское фэнтези.