Библиотека knigago >> Джус Аккардо

Надя Спеваковская наделена невероятной фантазией. И что удивительно - открывая её книги немедленно погружаешься в мир невероятный, притягательный, интригующий, и веришь всему, что там происходит - безоглядно

Книги автора Джус Аккардо

Джус АккардоБиография

Jus Accardo spent her childhood reading and learning to cook. Determined to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps as a chef, she applied and was accepted to the Culinary Institute of America. At the last minute, she realized her path lay with fiction, not food, and passed on the spot to pursue writing. Jus is the author of YA paranormal romance and urban fantasy fiction. A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald. Her first book, Touch was released in November 2011 from Entangled Publishing. She is currently working on the next book in the Denazen series.

JUS ACCARDO spent her childhood reading and learning to cook. Determined to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps as a chef, she applied and was accepted to the Culinary Institute of America.

At the last minute, she realized her path lay with fiction, not food, and passed on the spot to pursue writing. Jus is the author of YA paranormal romance and urban fantasy fiction. A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald. Her first book, Touch was released in November 2011 from Entangled Publishing. She is currently working on the next book in the Denazen series.

Серия Denazen
1. Touch (2011) \ Прикоснись ко мне (2013)
1.5 Untouched (2012)
2. Toxic (2012)
2.5 Faceless
3. TrembleDenazen
#1 Touch
#1.5 Untouched
#2 Toxic
#2.5 Faceless
#3 Tremble

Список книг (или ознакомительные фрагменты) автора Джус Аккардо. Жанры написанных книг: Любовная фантастика.