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Трилогия "Маг. Школа жизни" Александра Купреева - это захватывающая и хорошо продуманная фэнтезийная сага, которая погружает читателей в мир магии, невзгод и личного роста. Мир Купреева богат и разнообразен, населен яркими и запоминающимися персонажами. Главный герой, Грэг, - обычный парень, который обнаруживает в себе скрытые способности и поступает в престижную Школу жизни. Вместе со своими друзьями и наставниками он сталкивается с множеством испытаний, включая предательство,...


Десятый самозванец. Евгений Васильевич Шалашов
- Десятый самозванец

Жанр: Исторические приключения

Год издания: 2013

Серия: Исторические приключения (Вече)

I LAMA - Spiritual Practice

Spiritual Practice
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Spiritual Practice



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LAMAI is an international group of methodologists and analysts. In the first chapter, the authors makes an attempt to bring to mind Indian and Buddhist philosophy. The second chapter gives the original interpretation of Revelation. The third chapter provides a critique of the old theory of communism and a new, religiously inclusive, Marxist-Leninist theory. This reference guide will be useful in order to better understand and navigate the many religious views. The book will be useful to people of science, atheists, politicians, religious people; to all those who seek the Truth. The book is addressed to all sane people, but especially to the poor inhabitants of England. How is the word "Armageddon" translated? What word is encrypted under the number 666? Will there be a third world war? Is Communism Really Impossible? And does the "Bible" really answer the question of the possibility of building communism?
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communication between the astral body and the physical body, suppresses astral vision in himself. However, the ability to see with astral vision is not something unattainable. This ability develops in meditation. The astral body has its own consciousness. This consciousness of the astral body is correlated with what in science is called the subconscious (unconscious). The astral body, separated from the physical body, is also called the ghost body. There are beings who have only an astral body, but no physical body. Such creatures are simply called ghosts. When it is said about a person that a demon has moved into him, it means that a being of the lower astral (ghost), who does not have his own physical body, has superimposed on the astral body of a person or has taken (replaced) the place of his astral body.

Causal body may outwardly look like a ball consisting of plasma, similar to a ball lightning, or, to put it even more precisely: just a ball of light, just light as a ball. The causal body also has its own consciousness. This causal consciousness is correlated with what in science is called superconsciousness (deep unconscious, preconsciousness). You can see causal consciousness like this. If you recall a case when you forgot something so well, for example, the name of an old acquaintance, that there is absolutely nothing in your head. You're trying to remember. You make a mental effort. And suddenly a far, far spark flashes in my head. "I know!" You have not yet remembered what exactly, but you already know that it is in memory, and you know that this information will soon come from the depths of memory. So this spark is the causal consciousness. What is called in psychology the "collective unconscious" is the entire lower causal world as a whole.

In the world of Nirvana (in all the worlds of nirvana), the body and consciousness are one. The body-consciousness in the world of Nirvana is called the True Ego.

The causal body, coupled with the True Ego, is also called the spirit of a person. The astral body, coupled with the spirit, is also called the soul of a person. The essence of a person is his soul. The essence of the soul is its spirit. And the essence of the spirit is the True Ego.

The words spirit and soul are often used as synonyms. In addition, the word spirit is also often called the mystical ascending energy: kundalini, the holy spirit. Sometimes the word spirit refers to any vital, mental or mystical energy in general.

Matter of the Universe

What is called matter in philosophy and the three gunas are essentially the same thing.

World of phenomena. What is meant by matter in science (physics) is the matter of the world of phenomena, guna rajas.

Astral world. Like the matter of the physical world, we can also talk about the matter of the astral world. Astral matter in Hinduism is sometimes called drachma, drachma vibrations, vibrations of drachma, guna tamas.

Causal world. Like the matter of the physical world, we can talk about the matter of the causal. Causal matter is mystical light, guna sattva. Causal stores information about everything. Information in the causal exists in the form of mystical light.

World of Nirvana. According to the concept, Nirvana is inseparable, therefore it is not accepted to single out any components of it. It is customary to study Nirvana from the point of view of unknowability, universality, indivisibility, constancy, eternity, absoluteness. In the world of Nirvana, they place Absolute. There is also a clarification that the Absolute and the world of Nirvana are identical.

According to the law of conservation of matter and energy, neither energy nor matter can flow from one dimension to another. Causal, astral and reality interact with each other by the mechanism of identification.

Parallel universes (double universes, parallel realities, double realities) do not exist. The past cannot be changed.

Typical division of the worlds

God – by this word we will call an intelligent being living in heaven. There are different levels of heaven. If you list the heavens in order from top to bottom, you get something like this.

Книгаго: Spiritual Practice. Иллюстрация № 4
⦿ Absolute. The original highest authority. Brahman, Adi-Buddha, Atman. The absolute is indifferent to samsara. The true Ego of man is originally a part of the Absolute.

⦿ Heaven of the upper causal world:

● gods who have transcended knowledge (fourth dhyana)

● gods who have transcended existence (third dhyana)

● gods who have transcended space (second dhyana)

● gods of boundless space (first dhyana)

⦿ Heavens of the upper astral world:

● Clear heavens, formed by steadfastness (shanti), here dwells Trimurti (Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva), aka Ishvara, aka the Almighty from the "Revelation of John the Theologian";

● Heaven of Beauty, formed by praising (prashansa), here dwells Vishnu (early Hindu);

● Heaven of Light, formed by compassion (karuna), when a person is reborn, this world appears bright silver;

● Holy heavens are formed by Holy love (maitri), archangels live here, during rebirth this world seems bright golden. The Creator rules the holy heavens. The Creator, God the Father from the New Testament, Yahweh, Brahma (early Hindu), Ahura Mazda are one and the same. The early Hindu Brahma does not always see the gods above him, just as people, for example, are not able to see any gods at all. Because of this ignorance, Brahma and his entourage have the illusion that Brahma is the highest god in the entire universe. This misconception influenced the fact that the followers of the Abrahamic religions (with little clarity for themselves) endowed Brahma with the properties of the Absolute and worship him as the Absolute. The same, in principle, can be said about Allah in Islam. The idea of monotheism that one should worship the highest god alone is, of course, correct and progressive. However, the consequence of this idea of monotheism, that there are no other gods besides the highest god, is a mistake, a sad delusion.

⦿ Physical world

● Heavens of the Physical world (earthly heaven, material heaven, "earthly atmosphere") is formed by contentment. Angels, guardians, fairies, devas, elves live here. In the earthly heavens, most of the gods consider the satisfaction of desires to be the meaning of life. The world is connected with the ajna chakra. The tamas energy prevails here. When a person is reborn, this world appears white, slightly tinted with various shades. In the sutras, the material heavens are often divided into six levels. The first heaven (first level) is the highest. Vashavartin is located above all in the first material heavens (Zeus, Ra, the Only Ruler or the Only God from the Old Testament can be equated with him), he lives the longest, the most powerful and happy and joyful and enthusiastic compared to all other devas. By worshipping Vashavartin and making donations to him, the other devas accumulate merit in this way. In the second heaven, Sunirmita is the ruler. The second heaven is the world of devas enjoying their magical creations, they can create anything for their own pleasure. The third heaven is the heaven of Tushita. These heavens are distinguished by a deep knowledge of the law of Truth. The fourth heaven is the heaven of Metempsychosis or the heaven of the god Yama. Some religions mistakenly raise the Pit too high, and some also equate it with the Devil. The word "pit" – although it means death, but the face is completely different. The god Yama (Emma, Ymir, Suyama, Varuna) is a judge who ensures that the new birth of souls takes place in accordance with their accumulated karma. The --">

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