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# 1791, книга: Легенда о двенадцати ковчегах
автор: Владимир Анин

"Легенда о двенадцати ковчегах" Владимира Анина - это захватывающая мистическая история, которая увлекает читателя с первых страниц. Книга умело сочетает в себе элементы детектива, исторической тайны и сверхъестественного. Сюжет разворачивается вокруг российского историка и археолога Ивана Ларина. Получив письмо от своего покойного дяди, он отправляется в экспедицию на поиски двенадцати ковчегов, спрятанных веками назад на территории современной России. Считается, что эти ковчеги...

Гэрет Д Уильямс - Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам

Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам
Книга - Темное, кривое зеркало.  Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам.  Гэрет Д Уильямс  - прочитать полностью в библиотеке КнигаГо
Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам
Гэрет Д Уильямс


Альтернативная история, Эпическая фантастика

Изадано в серии:

a dark, distorted mirror #5



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Краткое содержание книги "Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам"

Война Теней закончена. Тени покинули галактику, отправившись за Предел. Юные расы трудятся вместе в мире и гармонии как части благородного Объединенного Альянса, под руководством Благословенной Деленн и под защитой грозного флота Темных Звезд, ведомого «Тенеубийцей», Генералом Джоном Шериданом. Нарны и центавриане примирились, минбарцы реформируют их Серый Совет, За'ха'дум же — мир, который денно и нощно охраняется флотом ворлонцев.

2261 was the year the war ended. 2262 was the year the peace began. But for some people the difference between peace and war is very small indeed. Decisions made in wartime look harder in the cold light of day, and the greater the light shining in the galaxy, the greater the shadows cast by it. 2261 was the year the war ended. 2263 was the year the peace fell apart. 2262 was the year in between. The year the dream was born.

With Babylon 5 complete at last, the Alliance is ready to enter a new age, a golden time of peace and prosperity. But in a galaxy that has known only war, the concept of peace is hard to grasp. The new age brings many challenges, not learning how to fight, but learning how to live. Some seek that understanding through work and labour, others through continuing to build a better world, while for some there is no understanding, only continued war. And across the dead vastness of space, ancient ships continue to move, gathering for a purpose no one can comprehend.

Он пришел тысячу лет назад, минбарец рожденный не от минбарца. Он принес им победу и надежду, и он изменил их общество на десять столетий. Но кто он был? Кто были те, кто поддерживал его и те, кто его предал? Кто были те, кто любил его, и те, кто его ненавидел? И величайший вопрос из всех — куда он ушел, в тот памятный день когда он покинул этот мир? Пришло время того, чтобы на все вопросы было отвечено и более чем одна тайна была раскрыта…

For a year and a half, he has been gone. Shrouded in mystery and rumour, he has been walking in the shadows at the corner of the mind's eye. It is time for him to return. As the Brotherhood Without Banners prepares the next stage of its devastating campaign of terror, as Dexter Smith struggles to investigate what is happening to the telepaths, as G'Kar learns some horrifying secrets, and as Sheridan stares into the abyss of his own soul, Sinoval will reach out his hand and return to the galaxy. And two steps behind him…. is Sebastian.

All things have a price, all actions have a consequence, but no one suspected this. Across an entire world, eyes look up at the heavens to see a black shadow fall across the sun, and a voice speaks to an entire race. "Behold the price of disobedience. Behold the price of dealing with the Shadow." And then the screaming begins.

It begins as shock. It turns to anger, then fear. A dead world. A homeless people. And a lust for revenge. All forces begin to converge on Babylon 5, demanding answers, demanding retribution, demanding justice. Kats and Sinoval and Corwin and Delenn and Sheridan and the remnants of the Narn people. And Sebastian. And the Vorlons. Truth is a three-edged sword — but then understanding is not required. Only obedience.

Это была мечта, созданная из надежды в темнейшие из дней, но теперь та надежда ушла, и мечта ушла с ней. Альянс далек от единства — разделенный, распадающийся и пораженный горем. Синовал собирает совет среди руин Голгофы, где каждому придется взглянуть в лицо будущему и приготовиться к нему. На Минбаре, на Центаври Прайм, на Казоми-7 на Вавилоне 5, и даже на самом За'ха'думе разгорается пламя войны. И где-то в ином месте, за этим наблюдают черные древние мертвые глаза, ожидая момента, когда они будут способны сделать большее, чем просто следить…

Было время мира. Было время надежды. Было время, когда о войне можно было забыть. Это время закончилось. Слишком поздно для мира, слишком поздно для надежды, слишком поздно для молитв. Ради свободы, жизни и судеб галактики — здесь возможна только война.

С окончанием войны — и более, чем войны, настал мир. Но чтобы из пепла галактики могло быть что — то построено — выжившие должны проявить отвагу, мудрость и веру, а более всего — доверие.

Все истории, если их рассказывать достаточно долго, так или иначе заканчиваются смертью. И, без сомнения, это не всегда плохо.


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Гэрет Д. Уильямс Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5. Средь звезд, подобно гигантам

Prologue. The Missing Year (не переведено)

Part 1. Learning How to Live (не переведено)

Часть 2. Истории Валена (перевод: Голодный Эвок Грызли, http://hungry-ewok.ru)

Part 3. On the Edges of Perception (не переведено)

Part 4. Hopes, Aspirations and Dreams (не переведено)

Part 5. The Three-Edged Sword (не переведено)

Часть 6. Огpомная pука, пpотянувшаяся с неба (Истоpия Паpлэйна) (перевод: Голодный Эвок Грызли, http://hungry-ewok.ru)

Часть 7…да не будет разорвано Богом (перевод: Голодный Эвок Грызли, http://hungry-ewok.ru)

Часть 8. Средь звезд, подобно гигантам (перевод: Голодный Эвок Грызли, http://hungry-ewok.ru)

Эпилог: Сказаны последние слова (перевод: Голодный Эвок Грызли, http://hungry-ewok.ru)

Gareth D. Williams Prologue: The Missing Year

2261 was the year the war ended. 2262 was the year the peace began. But for some people the difference between peace and war is very small indeed. Decisions made in wartime look harder in the cold light of day, and the greater the light shining in the galaxy, the greater the shadows cast by it. 2261 was the year the war ended. 2263 was the year the peace fell apart. 2262 was the year in between. The year the dream was born.

The Shadow War ended in 2261, as did all the other wars that had been raging in the galaxy at the time — a result, directly or indirectly, of the Shadows and their involvement with the younger races. The longstanding conflict between the Narn and the Centauri that had resumed in 2259 came to a close with the Kazomi Treaty. The Human / Minbari War formally ended with both races joining the United Alliance. The Human civil war also formally ended with that event, as the new Proxima Government entered the Alliance.

It was a time of relative optimism, at least briefly. After all the wars and bloodshed of the preceding years, a period of peace was welcomed by almost everyone. There were of course numerous skirmishes, raids and attempts to hunt down those wanted for various war crimes during the previous decade, but except for the Drazi Conflict (q. v., chapter 7) 2262 was a year of peace.

It is easy to overlook those twelve months in the light of the events that followed, but the collapse of the peace and even of the Alliance itself cannot be considered in isolation. The formation of the Alliance and the circumstances that gave it birth have already been studied, and the next volume will deal with its downfall. Now, however, the twelve months during which the Alliance effectively ruled the galaxy unchallenged will be examined.

Note: all dates given in this volume are Earth standard unless specifically stated otherwise.

GILLESPIE, E. (2293) The Light Ages. Chapter 1 of The Rise and Fall of the

United Alliance, the End of the Second Age and the Beginning of the Third,

vol. 3, 2262: The Missing Year. Ed: S. Barringer, G. Boshears, A. E.

Clements, D. G. Goldingay & M. G. Kerr.

* * *
The ultimate focus of 2262 was undoubtedly the building of the new centre of the Alliance: the space station called Babylon 5, a continuation, most probably, of Ha'Cormar'ah G'Kar's ultimately failed attempt at providing a central gathering place for those fighting the Shadows in 2260: the Babylon 4 space station, destroyed at the Battle of the Third Line.?

Babylon 5 was constructed in high spirits, with representatives from all the major races involved in the effort. While this was clearly used as a public relations spectacle — the sight of former enemies working together to create a home of peace was then a welcome one — practical necessities were also a concern. No one race had the resources to fund a station of that size and capacity on its own, and neither did the Alliance as a whole. There were many complaints about the vast resources needed to complete the station, seen by many as unnecessary given that Kazomi 7 was still perfectly capable of housing the Alliance Government and bureaucracy. However, others had more personal misgivings.?

? WILLIAMS, G. D. (2291) A Line in the Sand. Chapter 4 of The Rise and Fall of

the United Alliance, the End of the Second Age and the Beginning of the

Third, vol. 2, The Years of Battle. Ed: S. Barringer, G. Boshears, A. E.

Clements, D. G. Goldingay & M. G. Kerr.

? See also Learning at the Prophet's Feet, by L'Neer of Narn, and One Eye to the

Future by G'Dan (based on interviews with Commander Ta'Lon), for more

details concerning Ha'Cormar'ah G'Kar's personal feelings about the

construction of Babylon 5.

LAKER, A. (2293) A Shining Beacon in Space. Chapter 14 of The Rise and Fall of

the United Alliance, the End of the Second Age and the Beginning of the

Third, vol. 3, 2262: The Missing Year. Ed: S. Barringer, G. Boshears, A. E.

Clements, D. G. Goldingay & M. G. Kerr.

* * *
It would be a shining beacon in space, a dream given form, a place of peace in a galaxy that had known only war. It would be a symbol of the new age, an age which would at last no longer need to fear shadows.

And it would be called Babylon 5.

G'Kar said the name to himself softly. "Babylon Five." The name sounded right, somehow. Appropriate. He had tried to create a similar dream once before with Babylon 4, but that project had ended in fire and destruction and so many deaths. The cost had drained him, both financially and emotionally. After it had gone he had done…. so little, as if that station had been his greatest and only contribution to the future.

And now it was going to be bettered.

"Babylon Five," he said again.

It was Sheridan's idea, devised by him and Delenn. A new place, unbound by the symbols and memories and imagery of all the old. A completely new centre for the galaxy.

A dream, given birth by people who had long ago forgotten how to dream.

"Dreams are for people who sleep," he whispered, trying remember who had once told him that. The answer came to him soon enough. Londo, of course. "And where are you now, old friend? On the throne you always professed to hate, sending us diplomats and spies in your stead. Why do you not come in person?

"What do you fear so, Londo?"

He looked at the early drawings for Babylon 5 and shivered suddenly. He started and looked around. Kazomi 7 was a hot world, almost as hot as Narn itself. There were no draughts here.

But if not a breeze, then what?

A feeling.

"What do any of us fear?" he asked, his words as hollow as the grave.

There were only graves to answer him.

* * *
The existence of ancient races with vastly superior technology had long been rumoured among the younger races. Humanity's own love of myths and legends and conspiracies had given rise to numerous stories, most of which were expansions into space of old Earth legends such as the Bermuda Triangle, the Loch Ness Monster and the Abominable Snowman.

Other races had similar stories. Young Drazi warriors would go 'hunting the First Ones' as a rite

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