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# 2981, книга: Кокон [ Межавт. сборник]
автор: Пол Уильям Андерсон

"Кокон" - шедевр научной фантастики, заслуживший премию Хьюго и Небьюла. В этом сборнике рассказов представлено исследование Полом Андерсоном тем загадок и чудес, которые таит в себе вселенная. В рассказе "Связь" группа исследователей изо всех сил пытается установить контакт с инопланетным разумом, преодолевая языковые и культурные барьеры. "Фальшивая весна" - это трогательное размышление о попытках человечества колонизировать враждебную планету. А в "Узле...


Ближний бой. Игорь Волгин
- Ближний бой

Жанр: Боевик

Год издания: 2002

Серия: Русский бестселлер

Е. Ф. Старовойтова - Изучаем технологию полиграфического производства на английском языке: учебное пособие

Изучаем технологию полиграфического производства на английском языке: учебное пособие
Книга - Изучаем технологию полиграфического производства на английском языке: учебное пособие.  Е. Ф. Старовойтова  - прочитать полностью в библиотеке КнигаГо
Изучаем технологию полиграфического производства на английском языке: учебное пособие
Е. Ф. Старовойтова


Учебники и пособия: прочее, Иностранные языки, Современные российские издания, Литература ХXI века (эпоха Глобализации экономики), Полиграфическое и упаковочное производство

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Краткое содержание книги "Изучаем технологию полиграфического производства на английском языке: учебное пособие"

Учебное пособие содержит оригинальные тексты, соответствующие материалам, изучаемым студентами на лекциях и занятиях по профилирующим предметам. Каждый урок включает тексты для обучения разным видам чтения: А — изучающее чтение, В — просмотровое, С — поисковое, D — синтетическое. Цели пособия — научить студентов читать оригинальные технические тексты по полиграфии, а также помочь обучающимся овладеть навыками разговорной речи на английском языке по ключевым темам полиграфического производства. Оно включает лексический, терминологический, грамматический материал, типичный для научно-технических статей вышеуказанных специальностей.

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов полиграфических специальностей.

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Latin literature and deeply learned in philological studies. Laud was executed but he had laid the basis of learned printing. John Well carried on Laud’s work. He had presses installed and equipped them with the types which now bear his name. From 1672 to 1686 Fell took charge of printing and publishing for the University. By 1883 the mounting volume of general publishing called for reorganization and enlargement of the printing business. Horace Hart became Controller and Printer to the University and remained until 1915.
Hart introduced up-to-date equipment, including mechanical typesetting. His activities have been carried forward by his successors, including the present Printer, Vivian Ridler.
The printing of dictionaries on reelfed rotary presses was begun in 1959, and photocomposition was introduced in 1960. The bindary has been mechanized and now produces several million bound books a year.

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. Who was the first English printer?
2. Who began printing at Oxford?
3. Who began printing at Cambridge?
4. When was the first book at Oxford printed?
5. Who laid the basis of learned printing at Oxford?
6. When was photocomposition introduced at Oxford?
7. What are dictionaries printed on now?
8. How many books a year are produced now at Oxford?

Задание 3. Прочтите текст еще раз. Озаглавьте его.

Text 1D

Задание 1. Прочтите текст.

In the course of the 19th century several important innovations laid the foundation for a number of printing techniques that were not directly related to Gutenberg’s invention.
Reproduction of illustrations.
The first process for reproducing illustrations was xylography, using wood cuts that printed in relief and that therefore could be combined with letterpress, the picture blocks and the pieces of type for texts being locked into the same form. As early as the second half of the 15th century, xylography faced competition from engraving on metal that printed by intaglio; the metal plate (cooper, sometimes brass, zink and even steel after 1806), engraved with a tool or etched with acid, was inked and carefully wiped so that ink remained only in incisions and was transferred to paper under pressure in a cylinder press. Since the intaglio method of printing was not compatible with woodcut printing, sheets of texts and of illustration for the same book had to be printed separately.
Presses for printing curved intaglio engraved plates were perfected during the 19th century with mechanized inking with the use of rollers and wiping with the use of reflowing cloth bands or rotating disks covered with calico.
The third printing process that had undergone significant development was lithography. In 1796 Aloys Senefelder of Prague investigated the properties of a stone with a calcium carbonate base and a fine, homogeneous, porous surface. A design drawn on its surface with greesy ink, wetted with water and then brushed with ordinary ink, retained the ink only on the design. The latter could be reproduced on a sheet of paper pressed against the stone. Senefelder further established that a metal such as zink had the same properties.
By 1850 the first mechanized lithographic press with a cylinder, flannel – covered rollers for wetting, and rollers for inking was perfected. The fact that it was possible to replace the stone by a zink plate that could be curved made it possible to build rotary presses (the first in 1868) in which the paper passed between the plate-bearing cylinder and the impression cylinder.
Photosensitivity, Gravure and Rotogravure.
In the 1820s Joseph-Nicephore Niepce established that certain chemical compounds are sensitive to light. This marked the origins of photogravure and led to both the invention of photography (between 1829 and 1838) and the use of photographic processes for the printed reproduction of photographs.
In 1852 William Henry Fox Talbot, a. British scientist and inventor invented the screen and also opened the way for a new development in intaglio printing: rotogravure.
The screen was perfected in 1880s, by substituting for the cloth two sheets of glass with uniform parallel lines that crossed perpendicularly. The screen made possible letterpress and lithographic reproduction of the full range of tones by using the effect of the diffusion of light through the mesh of its grid.
In 1862-64 G.W. Swan of Britain invented carbon tissue, paper coated with gelatin that can be rendered photosensitive and exposed to light before being applied to a metal surface of any shape.
In 1878 a Czech, Karl Klietsch, thought of copying a grid screen directly onto carbon tissue, which could be used to transfer the cells necessary for intaglio printing to a cylinder at the same time as the image to be reproduced. In 1895 Klietsch, with English colleagues, founded the Rembrandt Intaglio Printing Company, which published reproductions of pictures on paper by rotogravure. They kept their process a secret.
In a parallel way patents for a slightly different process, in which the image to be reproduced was screened before making the impression on the carbon tissue, were taken out in Germany and the United States. But a workman from the Rembrandt Intaglio Printing Company emigrated to the United States in 1903 and there revealed their secret, and rotogravure became widespread.
Задание 2. Озаглавьте текст 1D.

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту 1D.
1. What was the first process for reproducing illustrations?
2. When were presses for printing intaglio-engraved plates perfected?
3. Who investigated the properties of a stone?
4. What other achievement belongs to this scientist and inventor?
5. What innovations were made in the lithographic press in the 19th century?
6. Who found new properties in certain chemical compounds?
7. What enabled photography to appear?
8. Who invented the screen?
9. What did the invention of the screen result in?
10. What was the essential of Klietsch’s invention?
11. What new printing process appeared owing to Klietrch’s investigations?

Oral Practice

Topic. My Future Profession

1. You are second-year students. You began to acquire knowledge concerning you future profession of a graphic arts technologist. Say a few words about the reasons of choosing this speciality. Give information about:
1) the department you study at;
2) the subjects you study;
3) scientists–teachers reading lectures and giving lessons;
4) the main subject you should study to master your speciality quite properly;
5) the place where you have practice;
6) what you like and what you don’t like at the Technical University.

2. Listen to the information.
Books, newspapers, magazines are the memory of mankind. We are responsible for this memory because our department trains engineers for graphic arts industry. We are future engineers-technologists. Our main task is to perfect technology. It may be achieved by the introduction of new equipment and technological processes.
One of the main subjects for us is chemistry. We study all kinds of chemistry: organic, inorganic, analytic, physical and collodial. We also study many special subjects: fundamentals of graphic arts technology, light technique.
Graphic arts technologists should have good knowledge of printing processes, equipment and materials. Different printing and binding presses are available in our workshops and laboratories and we not only observe their work but make attempts to use them producing some graphic arts items while having practice.
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