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# 1608, книга: Массаж болевых точек
автор: Александр Жданов

Книга «Массаж болевых точек» Александра Жданова является ценным дополнением к библиотеке любого, кто интересуется естественными методами оздоровления. Эта книга представляет собой всеобъемлющее руководство по массажу болевых точек, древней технике, которая использовалась для облегчения боли и улучшения здоровья на протяжении веков. Автор, Александр Жданов, является признанным экспертом в области альтернативной медицины и здорового образа жизни. Он подробно объясняет основы массажа болевых...

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Oxford Basic American Dictionary


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Aa A / ei / noun ( plural A's, a's / eiz / ) the first letter of the English alphabet "Apple" begins with an "A." A the highest grade given for a test or piece of work I got an A on my chemistry exam. а Ф / э ; ei / ( also an / эп ; жп / ) article one or any Would you like a drink? A dog has four legs. He's a teacher. each, or for each She calls her mother three times a week. The salary is $45,000 a year. Which word?

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someone) yes; certainly

"It's a good idea, isn't it?" "Oh, absolutely!" ab SOrb / sb'sorb / verb ( ab . sorbs , ab . sorb . ing , ab . sorbed )

( general science ) to take in something like liquid or heat, and hold it

The dry ground absorbed all the rain.

ab • sorb • ent / sb'sorbsnt / adjective

( general science ) able to take in and hold something, especially liquid an absorbent cloth

ab • sorb • ing / sb'sorbig / adjective

very interesting an absorbing book

ab stract aw Ц / 'rebstrrekt / adjective

about an idea, not a real thing abstract thought

not like a real thing an abstract painting

ab • surd / sb'ssrd / adjective

so silly that it makes you laugh

The guards look absurd in that new uniform.

^SYNONYM ridiculous

a bun dant / s'brndsnt / adjective ( formal )

existing in large quantities; more than enough an abundant supply of food

a • bun • dance / s'bAndsns / noun

[ noncount , singular ]

There was an abundance offish near the reef. These flowers grow here in abundance .

a•buse 1 / s'byuz / verb ( a • bus es , a bus . ing,a bused )

to use something in a wrong or bad way The manager often abuses her power.

to treat someone in a cruel or violent way The child had been physically abused.

to say rude things to someone

He said he was verbally abused by the bus driver.

abuse 2 / s'byus / noun

[ noncount , singular ] using something in a wrong or bad way

the dangers of drug abuse an abuse of power

[ noncount ] being cruel or unkind to someone The child had suffered verbal and physical abuse.

[ noncount]rude words

The cab driver shouted abuse at the cyclist. racial abuse

a • bu • sive / s'byusiv / adjective

an abusive remark

AC / ,ei 'si /

short for air conditioning

ac •a • dem • ic Ф |awl / ^b'demik /


connected with education, especially in schools and colleges Our academic year begins in September.

a•cad • e • my AWL / 3'k®dsmi / noun [count] ( plural a . cad .e . mies )

a school that teaches people certain skills a military academy

an official group of people who are important in art, science, or literature

the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

ac • cel • er • ate / sk'sebreit / verb ( ac . cel . er . ates , ac . cel . er . at ing , ac . cel . er . at . ed )

to go, or to make a vehicle go faster She accelerated up the steep hill.

ac • cel • er • a • tor / ak'selareitar / noun [ count ]

the part of a vehicle that you press with your foot when you want it to go faster

She hit the accelerator and passed the bus. -^SYNONYM gas pedal , Look at the picture at steering wheel .

ac cent / 'reksent / noun [ count ]

( english language arts )

1 the way a person from a certain place or country speaks a language

She speaks English with a strong southern accent.

saying one word or part of a word more strongly than another

In the word "because," the accent is on the second part of the word.

(in writing) a mark, usually above a letter, that changes the sound of the letter

Fiance has an accent on the "e."

ac . cept Ф / эк'sept / verb ( ac . cepts , ac cept ing ,ac.cept.ed )

1 to say "yes" when someone asks you to have or do something

Please accept this gift.

accepted the invitation to his party.

to believe that something is true She can't accept that her son is dead.

to allow someone to join a group, a school, an organization, etc.

She was accepted at Yale and plans to start in the fall. —Look at reject .

ac .cept .a .ble О / sk'septsbl /

allowed by most people; good enough

It's not acceptable to make so many mistakes.

—ANTONYM unacceptable

ac • cep • tance / skseptsns / noun [noncount]

taking something that someone offers you or asks you to have

Her quick acceptance of the offer surprised me.

ac cess 1 AWL / '®kses / noun [ noncount ]

a way to go into a place or to use something

We don't have access to the yard from our apartment.

Do you have access to a computer at home?

ac ceSS 2 AWL / 'rekses / verb ( ac . cess . es , ac cess. ing ,ac . cessed ) ( computers ) to find information on a computer Click on the icon to access a file.

ac • ces • si • ble aw / sk'sessbl /

possible to be reached or entered The island is only accessible by boat.

easy to get, use, or understand

This DVD makes history more accessible to kids.

—ANTONYM inaccessible

ac .ci .dent О / 'rekssdsnt / noun [ count ]

something bad that happens by chance I had an accident when I was driving to work — my car hit a tree.

I'm sorry I broke your watch — it was an accident. by accident

by chance; not because you planned it I took Jane's book by accident. I thought it was mine.

ac • ci • den • tal / ^kss'dentl /

If something is accidental , it happens by chance and is not planned

Police do not know if the plane crash was accidental or caused by a bomb.

► ac ci den tal ly / ^ksa'dentli / adverb He accidentally broke the window.

ac • com • mo • date Iaw / s'kamsdeit /

verb ( ac . com . mo . dates , ac . com . mo . dat . ing ,

ac . com . mo . dat . ed )

to have enough space for a particular number of people Each apartment can accommodate up to six people.

ac • com • mo • da • tions / 3|kams'deifnz /

noun [ plural ] Spelling

Remember! You spell accommodations with


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