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Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 1 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022)
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Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 1 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022)
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Как улучшить «урожай» в сфере импакт-предпринимательства — главная тема весеннего альманаха «Позитивные изменения». На его страницах эксперты рассказывают, как планировать результаты в самом начале реализации социального проекта, с помощью каких онлайн-инструментов проще всего эти результаты измерять, какие существуют «универсальные линейки» оценки социального воздействия, как оценивать личное воздействие в контексте импакта компании. Главный кейс выпуска — исследование социального воздействия инклюзивного кинотеатрального проекта «ВзаимоДействие». Отдельный материал посвящен исследованию употребления импакт-терминов в интернет-СМИ и соц. сетях. Также мы публикуем статью о новом типе питания — флекситарианстве, предполагающем снижение употребления мяса. По мнению исследователей, этот тренд в сфере осознанного питания окажет большое влияние на рынок в самое ближайшее время. Также в выпуске представлены примеры российских проектов из «Каталога «Социальное предпринимательство России».
К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: Самиздат,бизнес-планирование,инвестиции и инвестирование,социальное взаимодействие,социальное предпринимательство

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title="Книгаго, чтение книги «Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 1 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022)» [Картинка № 111]">
Social enterprises are now increasingly seen as a new element of the Russian Federation's economy. The SME Corporation has created and maintains a special register of such enterprises. Their geography and the range of areas of social impact projects is expanding. In many regions, social enterprises and their projects are supported by the government and big business.

Книгаго: Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 1 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022). Иллюстрация № 112 Vladimir Vainer

Director of Positive Changes Factory

Social enterprises are innovating, generating solutions to problems and acting as key players in replicating and scaling successful practices in the most complex social issues. Now it is important to take a new step — to start looking at social entrepreneurs as social investors.

Obviously, it is social entrepreneurs who nowadays constitute the main layer of social investors. And social investing takes many forms. This can be investing everything they have in scaling a project from a personal decision to the public good, a contribution from the family budget to a territorial development project, a step from monetizing a hobby to creating creative industries, and so on.

Yes, so far social entrepreneurs are not visible in Forbes rankings or in closed business clubs of millionaires. But it is hundreds or even thousands of such investors who are now shaping the landscape for the transition to a new quality of life in the country.

This issue presents several cases of social enterprises that can definitely be called social investors. These include the well-known federal brands Mi&ko and Pure Water, as well as territory development projects such as the "Golubino” Cultural and Landscape Park and the Russian consulting-integrator in the ESG You Social field.

Enjoy discovering a new, positive economic agenda for the country!

Organic Cosmetics
Книгаго: Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 1 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022). Иллюстрация № 113
Книгаго: Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 1 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022). Иллюстрация № 114
Книгаго: Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 1 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022). Иллюстрация № 115 https://clck.ru/SpgPF

Production of organic cosmetics with 100 % natural ingredients. More than 90 % of products are Ecosert Cosmos Organic certified. Mi&ko products are not tested on animals. Products are bottled in eco-friendly glass and recyclable plastic. All packaging is made of recycled cardboard.

Since 2011, Mi&ko has been a social entrepreneur (certified social entrepreneur status by an international certifying organization) and supports other social projects:

• Collaboration with the "Gift to an Angel Foundation” 2018–2019 to support families with children with disabilities in rehabilitation programmes for young children.

• Collaboration with the "My Family Foundation” from 2018 to the present for the project "Save Life!” — support for pregnant women in difficult life situations.

• Annual support for the Kirov Retirement Home with products to maintain the health of the wards' skin. Mi&ko cosmetics have not been tested on animals since the company's founding, supporting laboratories with alternative testing methods since 2009.

• Objective for 2022: to promote the adoption of the Technical Regulations for CMCs with the inclusion of alternative testing options for household chemicals in the Russian Federation. ISO14001 environmental management system implemented in the company — we reduce the negative impact of our production and office facilities on the environment every year.

Книгаго: Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 1 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022). Иллюстрация № 116

Best of beauty 2021 award from Glamour magazine.

We create equal opportunities for people, which is why 10 % of our working places are reserved for people in difficult circumstances. The Company has a Corporate and Social Code to support its employees.

Up to 10 % of funds are donated to charities and foundations we work with. Employee training upon hire and quarterly training aimed at clarifying the Company's environmental policy and sustainability targets for the next 3 years (adherence to standards within the Company). Conducting training sessions for employees on greening their own lives, with the aim of improving the environmental culture and health of employees. 4 times a year, corporate eco/health/social events for employees (Eco-races, Vyatka River Bank Clean-up, Best Environmentalist Awards, Donor Day or Eco-Donor Day, "Second Life of Things”).

Книгаго: Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 1 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022). Иллюстрация № 117

• Organization and participation in events aimed at environmental education, drawing attention to environmental problems, informing the public about the importance of environmental conservation, as well as healthy, conscious lifestyle.

• Promotion of environmental education to the public (publication of posts, placing materials on environmental conservation, healthy, conscious lifestyle in the media, cooperation with eco-bloggers and opinion leaders, educating on the themes of conscious lifestyle, consumption and care for the environment).

• Promotion of the Zero Waste concept — mass production of new types of environmentally friendly products that reduce water and logistics costs.

• Promotion of cosmetics and household non-chemicals, their values for the environment and --">

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