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# 949, книга: Тайная свобода
автор: Георгий Иванович Чулков

"Тайная свобода" - это сборник стихов русского символиста Георгия Чулкова, впервые опубликованный в 1911 году. Поэзия Чулкова отличается глубиной размышлений, мистическими мотивами и стремлением к духовному единению с космосом. В своих стихах Чулков исследует темы смерти, одиночества и поиска внутренней свободы. Он верит, что за обыденным миром скрывается тайная реальность, которую можно познать через интуицию и мистические переживания. Многие стихотворения в сборнике проникнуты...

Гэрет Д Уильямс - Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам

Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам
Книга - Темное, кривое зеркало.  Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам.  Гэрет Д Уильямс  - прочитать полностью в библиотеке КнигаГо
Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам
Гэрет Д Уильямс


Альтернативная история, Эпическая фантастика

Изадано в серии:

a dark, distorted mirror #5



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Краткое содержание книги "Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам"

Война Теней закончена. Тени покинули галактику, отправившись за Предел. Юные расы трудятся вместе в мире и гармонии как части благородного Объединенного Альянса, под руководством Благословенной Деленн и под защитой грозного флота Темных Звезд, ведомого «Тенеубийцей», Генералом Джоном Шериданом. Нарны и центавриане примирились, минбарцы реформируют их Серый Совет, За'ха'дум же — мир, который денно и нощно охраняется флотом ворлонцев.

2261 was the year the war ended. 2262 was the year the peace began. But for some people the difference between peace and war is very small indeed. Decisions made in wartime look harder in the cold light of day, and the greater the light shining in the galaxy, the greater the shadows cast by it. 2261 was the year the war ended. 2263 was the year the peace fell apart. 2262 was the year in between. The year the dream was born.

With Babylon 5 complete at last, the Alliance is ready to enter a new age, a golden time of peace and prosperity. But in a galaxy that has known only war, the concept of peace is hard to grasp. The new age brings many challenges, not learning how to fight, but learning how to live. Some seek that understanding through work and labour, others through continuing to build a better world, while for some there is no understanding, only continued war. And across the dead vastness of space, ancient ships continue to move, gathering for a purpose no one can comprehend.

Он пришел тысячу лет назад, минбарец рожденный не от минбарца. Он принес им победу и надежду, и он изменил их общество на десять столетий. Но кто он был? Кто были те, кто поддерживал его и те, кто его предал? Кто были те, кто любил его, и те, кто его ненавидел? И величайший вопрос из всех — куда он ушел, в тот памятный день когда он покинул этот мир? Пришло время того, чтобы на все вопросы было отвечено и более чем одна тайна была раскрыта…

For a year and a half, he has been gone. Shrouded in mystery and rumour, he has been walking in the shadows at the corner of the mind's eye. It is time for him to return. As the Brotherhood Without Banners prepares the next stage of its devastating campaign of terror, as Dexter Smith struggles to investigate what is happening to the telepaths, as G'Kar learns some horrifying secrets, and as Sheridan stares into the abyss of his own soul, Sinoval will reach out his hand and return to the galaxy. And two steps behind him…. is Sebastian.

All things have a price, all actions have a consequence, but no one suspected this. Across an entire world, eyes look up at the heavens to see a black shadow fall across the sun, and a voice speaks to an entire race. "Behold the price of disobedience. Behold the price of dealing with the Shadow." And then the screaming begins.

It begins as shock. It turns to anger, then fear. A dead world. A homeless people. And a lust for revenge. All forces begin to converge on Babylon 5, demanding answers, demanding retribution, demanding justice. Kats and Sinoval and Corwin and Delenn and Sheridan and the remnants of the Narn people. And Sebastian. And the Vorlons. Truth is a three-edged sword — but then understanding is not required. Only obedience.

Это была мечта, созданная из надежды в темнейшие из дней, но теперь та надежда ушла, и мечта ушла с ней. Альянс далек от единства — разделенный, распадающийся и пораженный горем. Синовал собирает совет среди руин Голгофы, где каждому придется взглянуть в лицо будущему и приготовиться к нему. На Минбаре, на Центаври Прайм, на Казоми-7 на Вавилоне 5, и даже на самом За'ха'думе разгорается пламя войны. И где-то в ином месте, за этим наблюдают черные древние мертвые глаза, ожидая момента, когда они будут способны сделать большее, чем просто следить…

Было время мира. Было время надежды. Было время, когда о войне можно было забыть. Это время закончилось. Слишком поздно для мира, слишком поздно для надежды, слишком поздно для молитв. Ради свободы, жизни и судеб галактики — здесь возможна только война.

С окончанием войны — и более, чем войны, настал мир. Но чтобы из пепла галактики могло быть что — то построено — выжившие должны проявить отвагу, мудрость и веру, а более всего — доверие.

Все истории, если их рассказывать достаточно долго, так или иначе заканчиваются смертью. И, без сомнения, это не всегда плохо.


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of passage and a display of bravado. The Markab had numerous legends based on the events of the last Shadow War. The Narns had witnessed many inexplicable occurrences on their border at Sigma 957, and believed it to be a haunted world.

Some of these stories had a basis in fact. Others were no more than corruptions of old legends. The Shadow War, however, led to a resurgence of interest in First One myths, as many of the stories could be explained by connections to either the Shadows or the Vorlons.

2262, however, saw the rest of the legends become reality. Slowly at first, but with increasing frequency, awesomely powerful ships were sighted in forgotten areas of space. Initially these were ignored or disbelieved, but over time even the Alliance itself had to take action.

One of the first accepted sightings occurred in February 2262, at the Narn world of Sigma 957….

GOLDINGAY, D. G. (2293) Stalkers on the Rim. Chapter 4 of The Rise and Fall of

the United Alliance, the End of the Second Age and the Beginning of the

Third, vol. 3, 2262: The Missing Year. Ed: S. Barringer, G. Boshears, A. E.

Clements, D. G. Goldingay & M. G. Kerr.

* * *
Captain Jack could be described in many different ways. He himself often used the words 'entrepreneur' or 'wheeler — dealer' or 'a bit o' this, a bit o' that'. Others used the words 'rogue', 'criminal', 'nuisance' and 'a right shifty bastard'. He was, however, definitely a man with an eye on the main chance.

Which had brought him here, to a dead world whose name he could not remember — usually a good thing as far as his employers were concerned — for a rendezvous with a group of Narns even shiftier than he was, on a mission that was both very illegal and very highly paid.

There were numerous political issues involved, which he did not even pretend to understand, it usually being safer that way. Despite having met and — sort of — befriended individuals as powerful as the Blessed Delenn, Emperor Londo Mollari II, Minister Lethke zum Bartrado and General John Sheridan the Shadowkiller, Captain Jack had a profound lack of interest in politics except where it related to his personal solvency.

However, he did understand that some Narns were very unhappy about the Kazomi Treaty that had sealed the peace between them and the Centauri, and wanted to make clear to everyone just how displeased they were. Certain…. artefacts needed shipping to certain Centauri worlds where certain things might be done to make that clear. And for obvious reasons, a non — Narn courier was needed.

Jack preferred not to think of these things as politics because if he didn't, he tended not to think of them as involving real people either. It was a lot easier that way.

And so all this was why he was at Sigma 957, waiting alone in his ship for a Narn ship that was very very late.

That was when he began to pick up the signal.

His communications equipment was specially modified to receive signals across a much wider band than that carried by most ships of his size, but this was nothing he had ever come across before. Muttering to himself, he started trying to tune into it, wondering if the Narns had had to resort to extraordinary measures to get in touch with him.

There were words in there, he was sure of it, even a conversation, but the language, the voices…. all these were beyond him. He felt like an ant trying to understand the words of angels. Falling silent, something touching what remained of his soul, he tried to tune in more clearly, working at the limits of his equipment. All thoughts of his mission left his mind. All he could think of was discovering the nature of this conversation.

He could pick up a little of one of the parties now. It seemed like countless voices speaking through one mouth. Or was it countless mouths speaking with one voice?

Everything stopped, and in one instant all the lights in his ship went out. He started, and began frantically trying to restore power.

Then he looked out at the scene before him.

There was a ship moving across the ecliptic, something so big and so vast it blocked out everything, space and light and stars and all. It glided through the planet's atmosphere, ignoring him utterly, an insect beneath the feet of giants.

Jack hardly dared to breathe, a wise move. As the alien ship moved forward a rent opened in the fabric of space, a vast jump point, bigger than anything he had ever imagined. The image of hyperspace beyond flickered with countless colours, very different from the usual red. Clouds of mist shimmered through the gap in space, and there were flickers of lightning.

Something was waiting in there, in hyperspace. Smaller than the vast alien ship, it was still huge, much bigger than Jack's diminutive shuttle. It looked slightly familiar, almost like a….

A castle?

The vast ship moved slowly into hyperspace, its every manoeuvre beautifully graceful. The gateway closed, and Jack was alone once more.

Alone in a dying ship above a dead world whose name he could not remember.

Fortunately, after a few hours of creative engineering with life support, a squadron of ships from the Narn fleet arrived and picked him up. Jack was so grateful to be rescued that he only had a few seconds to think up some suitably inventive lies.

* * *
After we joined the Alliance, affairs on Centauri Prime grew, not better, but slowly and steadily worse. With the death of Lord Kiro the riots had ended and the Shadow Criers fallen apart, but their legacies remained. There was widespread famine and hunger, the cost of the war and the reparations had almost bankrupted the Republic, and the costs of the repairs to the homeworld and to the regained colonies were almost impossible to meet. The Centarum eventually swallowed its pride and borrowed vast sums of money from the Alliance.

There was already resentment towards the Alliance, well before the burnings and the Inquisitors. The only Alliance representatives the Centauri had really seen were the strange Ambassador Morden and the equally strange Lennier, the Emperor's bodyguard. The fact that Lennier had not been seen for several months gave rise to many rumours, but his return to Alliance space was not noticed for some time.

Emperor Mollari found himself very unpopular, partly for all the reasons outlined above, but also because of his exile of the former Lord — General Marrago. The Emperor was spending more and more time in the palace and was seldom seen in public. Even his goodwill tour of the newly regained colonies ended prematurely after a fourth assassination attempt was foiled. His Lady Consort, Timov, was however often seen in public, and she was commonly believed to be one of the best things about the Court.

As for the former Lord — General, he had disappeared following his exile, and was widely believed to have been murdered by agents of the Court. However, while there was a large bounty on his head and assassination attempts had been made, he was very far from dead, and was engaged in very private dealings elsewhere.

LADY KEELA SHARNI (2293) Republic in Flames. Chapter 9 of The Rise and Fall

of the United Alliance, the End of the Second Age and the Beginning of the

Third, vol. 3, 2262: The Missing Year. Ed: S. Barringer, G. Boshears, A. E.

Clements, D. G. Goldingay & M. G. Kerr.

* * *
He still saw her eyes all the time. They were shining in his mind, brilliant stars in the heavens of his soul. And sometimes he saw them dull and red, cold and lifeless.

I could not protect you, Lyndisty.

Marrago was old, and he was alone, but he was --">

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