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# 1187, книга: Пять нерешенных проблем науки
автор: Артур Уиггинс

Артур Уиггинс Физика Uncharted Press 5/5 В захватывающей книге "Пять нерешенных проблем науки" физик Артур Уиггинс представляет собой глубокий анализ пяти основополагающих загадок, которые до сих пор озадачивают научное сообщество: * Природа темной материи * Происхождение жизни * Квантовая гравитация * Сознание * Будущее Вселенной Уиггинс начинает с захватывающего введения, в котором описывает эти пять нерешенных проблем как "Великие Вопросы", которые привели к...

Гэрет Д Уильямс - Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам

Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам
Книга - Темное, кривое зеркало.  Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам.  Гэрет Д Уильямс  - прочитать полностью в библиотеке КнигаГо
Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам
Гэрет Д Уильямс


Альтернативная история, Эпическая фантастика

Изадано в серии:

a dark, distorted mirror #5



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Краткое содержание книги "Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам"

Война Теней закончена. Тени покинули галактику, отправившись за Предел. Юные расы трудятся вместе в мире и гармонии как части благородного Объединенного Альянса, под руководством Благословенной Деленн и под защитой грозного флота Темных Звезд, ведомого «Тенеубийцей», Генералом Джоном Шериданом. Нарны и центавриане примирились, минбарцы реформируют их Серый Совет, За'ха'дум же — мир, который денно и нощно охраняется флотом ворлонцев.

2261 was the year the war ended. 2262 was the year the peace began. But for some people the difference between peace and war is very small indeed. Decisions made in wartime look harder in the cold light of day, and the greater the light shining in the galaxy, the greater the shadows cast by it. 2261 was the year the war ended. 2263 was the year the peace fell apart. 2262 was the year in between. The year the dream was born.

With Babylon 5 complete at last, the Alliance is ready to enter a new age, a golden time of peace and prosperity. But in a galaxy that has known only war, the concept of peace is hard to grasp. The new age brings many challenges, not learning how to fight, but learning how to live. Some seek that understanding through work and labour, others through continuing to build a better world, while for some there is no understanding, only continued war. And across the dead vastness of space, ancient ships continue to move, gathering for a purpose no one can comprehend.

Он пришел тысячу лет назад, минбарец рожденный не от минбарца. Он принес им победу и надежду, и он изменил их общество на десять столетий. Но кто он был? Кто были те, кто поддерживал его и те, кто его предал? Кто были те, кто любил его, и те, кто его ненавидел? И величайший вопрос из всех — куда он ушел, в тот памятный день когда он покинул этот мир? Пришло время того, чтобы на все вопросы было отвечено и более чем одна тайна была раскрыта…

For a year and a half, he has been gone. Shrouded in mystery and rumour, he has been walking in the shadows at the corner of the mind's eye. It is time for him to return. As the Brotherhood Without Banners prepares the next stage of its devastating campaign of terror, as Dexter Smith struggles to investigate what is happening to the telepaths, as G'Kar learns some horrifying secrets, and as Sheridan stares into the abyss of his own soul, Sinoval will reach out his hand and return to the galaxy. And two steps behind him…. is Sebastian.

All things have a price, all actions have a consequence, but no one suspected this. Across an entire world, eyes look up at the heavens to see a black shadow fall across the sun, and a voice speaks to an entire race. "Behold the price of disobedience. Behold the price of dealing with the Shadow." And then the screaming begins.

It begins as shock. It turns to anger, then fear. A dead world. A homeless people. And a lust for revenge. All forces begin to converge on Babylon 5, demanding answers, demanding retribution, demanding justice. Kats and Sinoval and Corwin and Delenn and Sheridan and the remnants of the Narn people. And Sebastian. And the Vorlons. Truth is a three-edged sword — but then understanding is not required. Only obedience.

Это была мечта, созданная из надежды в темнейшие из дней, но теперь та надежда ушла, и мечта ушла с ней. Альянс далек от единства — разделенный, распадающийся и пораженный горем. Синовал собирает совет среди руин Голгофы, где каждому придется взглянуть в лицо будущему и приготовиться к нему. На Минбаре, на Центаври Прайм, на Казоми-7 на Вавилоне 5, и даже на самом За'ха'думе разгорается пламя войны. И где-то в ином месте, за этим наблюдают черные древние мертвые глаза, ожидая момента, когда они будут способны сделать большее, чем просто следить…

Было время мира. Было время надежды. Было время, когда о войне можно было забыть. Это время закончилось. Слишком поздно для мира, слишком поздно для надежды, слишком поздно для молитв. Ради свободы, жизни и судеб галактики — здесь возможна только война.

С окончанием войны — и более, чем войны, настал мир. Но чтобы из пепла галактики могло быть что — то построено — выжившие должны проявить отвагу, мудрость и веру, а более всего — доверие.

Все истории, если их рассказывать достаточно долго, так или иначе заканчиваются смертью. И, без сомнения, это не всегда плохо.


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no longer tired. Indeed, he felt stronger than he ever had. At long last he had a purpose, a goal, a mission. And a simple, unequivocal one at that.

Free Centauri Prime.

It was the beginning of an alliance, a new alliance. A small one admittedly, only three at present, but then a night of a thousand drinks begins with a single sip. Marrago had heard a similar human phrase about miles and steps, which he preferred.

A Minbari, a human, a Centauri, and a flying castle full of Soul Hunters. Perhaps not such a small start after all.

And it would only grow.

Marrago was a tactician and he understood that not everything can be achieved at once. Sinoval understood that as well. It would take time, and in any case this was not a war of force of arms, but a war of ideas and beliefs and understanding.

But there were some similarities in both types of war. They both needed people.

Sinoval had said he would be busy elsewhere, but Marrago knew exactly what to do. He approved.

Mercenaries were easy to find these days. The entire galaxy had been at war for years, and a sudden outbreak of peace was very bad for professional soldiers. All manner of different people, of all different races and armies, were looking for work. Narns would not work for Marrago of course, and nor would many Drazi, but there were some.

It had taken a couple of months, but he had assembled a ten — strong unit, useful for hire as security, bodyguards and the like. Six of them were Centauri, with one Drazi, two Brakiri and a human. A small group, but a good beginning.

"You can…. find things, yes?" the alien was saying, twitching its forelimbs slowly. "Things that…. need finding?"

"We can do that," Marrago replied. "We need to know what it is, and a rough estimate of the risk involved, before we can set a price, of course."

"It is…. a delicate matter. A data crystal, with…. valuable information…. of a not altogether legal nature."

"I see. And what can you tell us about where it is now?"

"I had to leave Istakhr Station in rather…. awkward circumstances. An individual named Stoner took the crystal…. for safe keeping. He has…. vanished. Find him…. and the crystal, and bring the crystal to me."

Marrago nodded. "We can do that."

"And the price?"

"Will be reasonable. We can discuss that later."

"I am not a fool."

"I never believed you were, n'Grath. I hope to do business with you again."

And the price would be reasonable again, Marrago thought. n'Grath was a prominent crimelord, with influence in all sorts of places. He would be a useful ally. It was well worth losing a few ducats here for potential advantage later.

Marrago actually found he was enjoying this new life. No politicking, no dancing around, fearful of saying the wrong thing. All he had to do was complete the commissions he won, build an alliance and an armed force, and stay true to those who served with him.

He found he missed only two things: his garden, and his daughter.

His garden could be rebuilt, and as for Lyndisty…. well, she would not be returning to him, but she would be avenged before this was over.

She would be avenged.

* * *
Although there had been many rumours of the existence of the sinister Vorlon 'enforcers' known as the Inquisitors, there was no confirmed report until 2259, when Kosh Naranek sent an Inquisitor called Charles Dexter to Kazomi 7 to test the loyalty of John Sheridan and Delenn. Many authorities now believe this to have been a subtle attempt by Kosh to warn Sheridan and Delenn about the true nature of his brethren, but if this is so, the warning, like so many others, went unheeded.

The presence of Charles Dexter was not common knowledge at the time, and the existence of the Inquisitors only became public in 2262. Contrary to popular belief this did not happen on Centauri Prime, where their actions would attract much notoriety and revulsion, but on Minbar. The individual concerned was to become one of the most notorious and feared Inquisitors across the galaxy. He did not pursue the same objectives as his fellows, who were largely dedicated to tracking down those who had collaborated with the Shadows during the war. His purpose was different, and involved tracking down one single person.

The Inquisitor's name was Sebastian, and the Vorlons had given him the most difficult mission of his long career, but one they saw as of the utmost importance.

GOLDINGAY, D. G. (2293) The Unholy Inquisition. Chapter 8 of The Rise and Fall

of the United Alliance, the End of the Second Age and the Beginning of the

Third, vol. 3, 2262: The Missing Year. Ed: S. Barringer, G. Boshears, A. E.

Clements, D. G. Goldingay & M. G. Kerr.

* * *
"Where is he?"

Pain. No screams. She had long ago given up screams, of pain or otherwise.

There were no screams, but there was pain.

"Tell me where he is."

More pain. Light and fire blazed in her mind. Whispers fluttered through her hearing, brief images, feelings from long ago. The touch of his hand on hers. The warmth of his breath on her face. The sheer love in his eyes.

"I do not care how worthy or unworthy you are. I do not care on whatever pedestal you choose to place yourself. I do not care whether you believe yourself to be holy, a messiah, a prophet to bring glory to your name. I do not care what your name is. I do not care who you are. All these things will be attended to by another, in due time.

"For now, I have one mission and one mission alone. That is the only thing I do care about. I came here because you were his closest friend, the one he trusted most, the one he risked a great deal to save. Maybe he even loved you a little, if he is capable of such a thing.

"So, I ask you again.

"Where is Primarch Sinoval? Where has he gone? Where has he hidden himself? What does he plan? What allies does he have? Who are his agents?

"Where is he?"

Again the light burned. The old memories were at the back of her mind, the things that woke her in the middle of the night, trembling and shaking, unshed tears in her eyes.

Kalain was dead, had died in agony of a fatal virus almost two years ago. She had laid him to rest in her memories long ago, silently forgiving him for the tortures he had inflicted on her soul and her body.

But somewhere, at the back of her mind, he still lived, still strong and powerful and capable of hurting her so much. Still strong enough to emerge now, as she was tortured again.

"You dare to come here," Tirivail had spat at the human as he had presented himself to the Council. "You dare to insinuate these things!"

The human appeared to be formally dressed, but in a style none of them recognised. He spoke Minbari flawlessly, with an archaic, stylised accent.

"My name is Sebastian," he had said. "I am an emissary from the Vorlons. This you know. I am here on their behalf to seek any information you may have on the whereabouts of the one known as Sinoval the Accursed. I am here to question those of you who knew him best. Satai Kats, the former Satai Kozorr."

"Kozorr is dead," Tirivail had replied. Kats had said nothing. Tirivail had not adjusted well to Kozorr's death, her anger consuming her too much lately.

"Sinoval is gone," Takier had said. "He has left Minbari space and informed us that he will not return. We do not know where he has gone. He has no authority or power over any of Minbari blood now, and we have no power over him. Is that enough for you?"

"No. I am instructed to question those of you who knew him best. As former Satai Kozorr is dead, I will question Satai Kats."

"No, you will --">

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